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This bothers me

SisterNeko's picture

I am trying to not get involved with skids but ss5 brought home a readin coupon today but I know he didn't read at our house.

Recently the school has started sending home reading sheets for Ss5. We didn't get or fill out one for February but ss5 just came home with the coupon for a free pizza for reading so many minutes last month. In my opinion ss5 doesn't deserve it and BM had to have lied in order to get it. At our house most nights ss5 refuses to read and we are tying harder this month to get him to read. But last month I know he didn't read enough and BM never asked DH how much he read. If she took ss5 's word for it then she is stupid of course he said he read.

Further more I just tried to read for 20 mins with ss5 and it was awful. He guessing at the words and does not try. I can't see BM reading with him, maybe to him.

Is it bad that I would love to return the coupon and tell the teacher ss5 didn't read at our house last week but it kind of makes us look bad. DH has a meeting tomorrow with Teacher and BM so maybe he can inquire about it and say that we didn't turn in a sheet for our weeks and we are struggling to get him to read at our house.

So basically BM is lying for free food. Is her money situation really that bad?


Doesnteatcrow's picture

BM used to do it also, and got busted by the support ed in 6th grade. The sooner you address it with the teacher the better. I would have DH ask to see the report of when and what he read and call out that she lied. Get it out in the open the younger the better.

Disneyfan's picture

Maybe the teacher has an in school option for those who can't/won't get the reading done at home.