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Why are men so stupid?!?!

Simpleton21's picture

Y'all don't really need to answer that.  I just need to vent.  Maybe I'm being petty, maybe not, IDK, but this was irritating to me. 

My DH just texted me with screenshots from SD.  Apparently SD is all excited that BM's bf is going to propose to BM and asked SD to help plan the proposal.  So SD's texts are all about this upcoming proposal and SD said that she told BM's bf to do it at this local nature place (that is pretty popular) at the bridge.  To which DH replies to SD "you might want to tell bf to do it somewhere else because that is where I proposed to your mom at". 

I guess DH found this amusing that SD told him to propose at the same spot he proposed to BM and thought I would also.  Well I don't find it funny.  I didn't know previously how/where DH proposed to BM and I never wanted to know. 

Maybe part of me is a little irritated that DH was a bit more romantic with his proposal to BM than how he proposed to me?!? IDK, or maybe I'm just over hearing about his past life?!?!

Anyways, BM has always been adamant about telling DH she will NEVER get married again so we shall see what happens.  I'm sure I'll hear all about it whether or not I want to!


Dovina's picture

Thanks DH I really needed to hear that!!  Thanks for sharing.  Such a shame a romantic proposal didnt exactly work out for you. 

Did SD  know this was her parents proposal spot ? Was she trying to stir the pot? I can totally see my SD saying this on purpose.


Simpleton21's picture

Right?!?! He was like I thought you would think it was funny that BM would hate that.  Well you went ahead and told SD to tell her bf that you already proposed to BM there....if you thought it was amusing and would hate it why give SD the head's up to change it?!?! 

You know Dovina, I was wondering the exact same thing.  Knowing my SD I really think it is 100% plausible that she already knew this proposal spot and suggested it to BM's new man knowing that is where DADDDDEEEEE did it.  It sounds exactly like something SD would do intentionally and act like she didn't know.  SD is ALWAYS spouting off "memories" of her first family experiences from ages that she wouldn't be likely to remember so she is really just sharing BM memories Bad

Dovina's picture

I wouldnt put anything past your conniving SD. 

Simpleton21's picture

Agreed, that was honestly my first thought when he said he it was the exact same spot he proposed to BM at.  It seems pretty coincidental if not.  I'm sure SD has heard stories about her mommeeee and dadddeee's love affair and already knew this. 

MissK03's picture

Ughhh this would have highly annoyed me. I as well (surprisingly) have no idea where they met (my guess a college party)  how he proposed, I only know where they got married because a friend and I looked at pics of their wedding when ex MIL dropped them off at our house. I've never asked he never told. I honestly don't want to know. 

I do know where they went on their honeymoon because SO never traveled before and that was the one trip he took  In his life besides their two Disney trips when they were married. SO didn't say that it was his honeymoon but, clearly it was lol. 

I unfortunetly, know way more then I wanted to know because BM told me. She told me info that I had no business knowing. That's was back in the good ole' days haha.  Why she told me some things... I'm still baffled about..


Simpleton21's picture

I'm glad to know that I'm not being super unreasonable.  I mean really, does he want to know how my ex proposed to me?  I doubt it.  I have never brought it up or told my son or felt the need to tell my DH about it. 

Oh, I know way more than I want to know about BM and the past b/c either DH's dumb@ss will bring it up "when BM was pregnant"....yeah always fun being compared to the ex wife during pregnancy...or b/c SD will bring it up.  SD talks about her mommeeee and her bf constantly at our house.  To the point we have in the past told her to stop gossiping about her mom to us but obviously that didn't work so we still know way more than I have ever wanted to. 

The only positive in SD's big gossipy mouth is that I know that BM has pooped her pants twice in the past 5 years at least ROFL

MissK03's picture

LOLLL BM pooping her pants!! That's hilarious.

The one time my SO made me want to vomit was when my friend  was pregnant and she was a week overdue and this guy goes, they should just have sex that will induce her for sure. I was like ...uhhhh........ In my head I was like why is that what you and BM did for one of 3?!!? TMI!!!!!!!! 

Simpleton21's picture

Ugh, see, men are just dumb!  They really can't think logically or hmmmm maybe my new lover doesn't want to know how I had sex with my ex...should be a no brainer to keep that sh!t to yourself! 

But yeah, the couple times that SD told us that I found hilarious.  Once was when BM was sick and she trusted a fart and apparently SD was next to her when it happened (I still wouldn't have told my kid that) and the other time BM actually had to leave work and picked SD up from school early b/c she trusted another untrustworthy fart, LMAO, you would think she would stop doing that! 

JRI's picture

She is getting married again, yah!  It sounds like SD approves, another yah!  My goal for our BM at one point was: 1) get your own job, 2) get your own house, 3) get your own husband.  It can only help the situation if he's a good guy.  

Simpleton21's picture

JRI, in normal circumstances I would feel the same.  However, BM has lived with this man since for the past 5ish years or more and that hasn't stopped her from intruding/butting into our lives constantly (or at least trying).  I don't know that SD approves for real or is faking excitement she did suggest the same proposal spot as her daddy dearest used and I can almost guarantee that was she is setting BM's bf up for failure.  The bf hasn't stopped crazy BM's interest in our lives one bit so far so I'm not so optimistic.  Plus BM has stated many many times that she will NEVER get married again.  So we'll see...

SeeYouNever's picture

Why is SD even talking to her dad about this topic? I bet she secretly wants your DH to go and stop the proposal and confess his love for BM so they can be a family again. Why else would SD give him the details? 

I could really see this as a plot arc in one of those terrible teen Disney movies or a lifetime movie. 

Simpleton21's picture

According to DH - SD was excited and happy that BM's bf involved her in the proposal and so DH is happy that SD "feels like she can talk to him and is happy for her mom"....

I on the other hand feel like you are closer to the truth.  Why would SD suggest the exact same spot that DH proposed to BM?!? Set her potential step dad up for failure?!?! She complains about him to DH a lot.  Basically everyone is competition/outsider from SD's perspective.  SD is also very manipulative and sneaky so horrible Disney movie it is!

Miss T's picture

"Why is SD even talking to her dad about this topic?"

Doesn't she realize that she was immaculately conceived?

Simpleton21's picture

Ha, oh no, Miss T, she knows that mommy and daddy planned to have her b/c mommy told her so.  Something she says in front of my sons like she was more wanted or something?!?!

strugglingSM's picture

DH will periodically tell me things about his life with BM. Oftentimes, I will bring them up later and he will say "I should have never told you that." One of the most annoying thing about being a SM is that you have to act as though everything that happened in DH's past relationship is valid and deserves to be honored forever. That would not happen if there were no children. I have several friends who are either divorced and remarried or married to someone who was married without children before. It's as if those childless first marriages never existed. I find it annoying that we have to "honor" the relationship if it produced children, because otherwise the children would be discounted. People make mistakes and marry the wrong people all the time. They shouldn't have to live with that relationship forever just because there were kids. You can have a cooperative, transnational co-parenting relationship without reliving the romantic relationship between the parents. 

Simpleton21's picture

Ugh, unfortunately this is so true :(  So many downfalls to stephell.  It makes no sense. Plus men are hypocrites.  DH doesn't love when I talk about or talk to ODS's dad.  ODS also doesn't come home from seeing his dad and tell us every little single detail about his visit with his dad and all of his dad's personal business. 

still learning's picture

I get where you're coming from. I've never pried into DH's past. I never asked anything about BM or his exes. I prefer to keep our relationship in the present and about us.  Early in our marriage me and a few friends were talking about our pregnancies, DH comes over and starts telling us all about BM's pregnancies. We all just looked at him and didn't say anything. He looked sheepish and walked off. The worst was when he was showing me some photos he had taken. In the pile was one of BM breastfeeding oldest ss.  That was something I just didn't need to see. Brain bleach please!  I got to hear about the funnest day with BM and other things. Luckily I havent heard a BM story in probably 6+ years. My only responses were "hmm" or "Gee I have to take a sh*t now."  Where he proposed to her, I havent the slightest and hope never to find out.  Knock on wood...I don't care to hear anything historical or personal about BM ever again.  

Simpleton21's picture

Exactly, I haven't pried into his past with BM.  I've heard way more than my fair share of his memories/past with her and I have even told him I don't care about BM and don't want to know anything she says.  I also prefer to keep the past in the past and focus on the present.  OMG, men are so freaking stupid.  When I was pregnant with our YDS, DH would tell me how BM did this or did that or ate this or took vitamins when she was pregnant with SD.  Really!?!? IDGAF!!!!!! Shut up!!!!! I don't want to know what BM did you IDIOT!!!  Oh yes, the lovely picture.  SD has a picture of DH embracing BM on her shelf/dresser in her room.  It was from before they had SD.  DH gave it to her.  How thoughtful!  Bad I don't need to see the pictures either and thankfully I didn't see any freaking breastfeeding pictures!