Extremely lazy almost 18 year old SD, failing school and doesn't have a job
This is my second repationship with a SD. I am 6 years (married 1) into my relationship with my partner who has a daughter that is less than a month away from being 18. I am the bread winner of the household right now working 40+ hours at a job i dont even like but have great insurance for my wife and her daughter. I have said and will still stand by it.. That i don't care how long you're under my roof as long as you're pulling your weight around the house and either doing school and passing or have a job and paying your way. Well it has progressively gotten worse in the 6 years I've been here. When we got together my SD was going to her dad's (biological) on the weekends and sometimes would even do 1 week on 1 week off. Last couple years she goes MAYBE once a month for a day or 2 and is now at our house full time and her father never helps with parenting her, he pretty much tapped out of parenting when she became a teenager. SD is failing high school (held back twice) and it boils down to pure laziness of just not completing assignments while being late to school every day (we live in a town of 300 and school is 2 blocks away). She said she wanted to do online school so this year her mother got her set up on online school and then also pubic school from 1-3pm mainly for the social aspect of it. Well she sleeps until 12-1230pm every day to go to her 2 hours of public school (late usually) and comes home to make a mess in the kitchen making food and not cleaning it up and then goes to her room and is already asleep when her mother and I get home from our jobs. She rarely does her online school and then we are forced to ride her after work and on the weekends to complete her online school (which she is failing due to not completing work). She doesn't help out around the house at all, she has no chores or responsibilities (she won't even let the dogs out throughout the day). I have had to hire my sister to clean my house once a week to keep up the chores and we live paycheck to paycheck. The days she doesn't have school she sleeps until 2-6pm to get up and stuff her face with food I bought and sit in the bathroom for literal hours until her mother or I kick her out and then she goes back to bed. Since I have lived here she has not cleaned her room once by herself and it's an absolute mess. Her hygiene is very poor and she doesn't care when you tell her she stinks and needs to take a shower. She has a license but is grounded from her car right now for sneaking out in the middle of the night with her friends (we live in the mountains and it was snowing) and traveled 60 miles to "go to Walmart " for no exact reason. SD is showing no remorse. I wanted to strip her of all of her privledges (it's a final straw for me) but her mother won't and proceeded to let her keep her cell phone that SD doesn't even pay for. Shes had 2 jobs that were close to home and "got fired" from both. She will NOT do manual labor for a job and expects higher than earned wages.. I can go on and on but let's get to her mother/my wife. She doesn't and won't dicapline her child, sometimes she'll take something away and SD will guilt trip her into giving it back. And if that doesn't work she'll go "hurt" herself or cut her hair to get back at her mom and when I point any of this out her mom wont believe it. I've had to step in many times when she was screaming at her mom. SD knows to shut it and go to her room when I step in, but then her mother get mad at me for being to hard on her. When I come home to a mess and SD sleeping her mom gets mad at me for getting upset and tells me I'm over reacting.. We purchased a car for SD with the stipulation of paying us back $50/month and I have yet to see or hear about a payment in the years she's had it. She is on our car insurance that we pay for because her father doesnt want the liability. Her mother gives her money every payday and SD buys sugar and toys with the money and continues to ask for things all the time and parts/gas for her car. It is causing almost daily arguments between me and my wife, other than the subject of SD we don't argue about much else. She always asks me to step in but then gets mad at me when I do and I can't have an opinion in the dicapline and what should be done. There's so much more that has and is still happening but theres a summary.
I have a nephew that's 10 and I am his favorite person in the world so he comes over allot (he escapes his younger siblings in doing so as well lol) but my wife will ride him on everything! Which upsets me because she won't do the same to her own biological child whose 18 to do the right things! Her excuse is that because it is her daughter and she lives here.
I am severely exhausted and don't want this to end in divorce.. I don't even want to go to my own home after work. I am feeling unappreciated, used and like my thoughts and feelings are the least important in the household. I am developing a strong resentment towards SD that I cant control anymore.. I am getting to the point where I'm going to lose my mind on SD. I can't communicate with my wife about it because she immediately gets defensive over her daughter and tells me I'm being ridiculous and makes excuses for SD.. I want to disengage but I know it will be an argument and my wife will think I am abandoning her child. I would also like bills to be split into 1/3s when and if I disengage because I am done helping enable SDs behavior.. I don't know if that's right of me? I have no friends or family who have/had step kids and no one to talk to about it. I was of the understanding that there was a father figure in SDs life and that she would be going to his house often giving me and my wife time to grow in our own relationship, not that I would have to step in (without the authority) as a full time parent. I need some advice and to know if my feelings are validated or not. I am honestly at a loss. Thank you! And before someone says therapy I have also tried to suggest that and it got no where. Thanks again!
- Shaddy's blog
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The problem isn't your SD, it
The problem isn't your SD, it's your wife. Your SD is simply pushing her limits and she isn't going to stop. Yes, you're right to insist that your wife pay 2/3 of the bills. Why should you pay for an uncontrollable wastrel?
What keeps you there? Why continue to ruin your health for a situation that is not going to get any better?
I always ask this: where do
I always ask this: where do you see this situation in 5 years, in 10? Will it be changed or will it have broken you?
I'm going to do the usual and suggest therapy. But not for you and your wife, just for you. Someone to help you find your footing, to help you learn to mkae your decisions. To help you respect yourself so you can demand and get respect from those who spend your money and crap in your home..literally and figuratively.
Thank you
Thank you for making me think about some of this. At this rate I see a lazy 30 year old who failed highschool living off of my wife and I.
This sounds like a situation
This sounds like a situation that just has gotten worse due to your wife being a big problem..why doesn't SHE work when you are living paycheck to paycheck?
Honestly, her daughter doesn't sound like she should or could be working.. so I would take that off the table.. she should finish her education first.. period.. and work on other life skills.. but we all know that is going to be tough since your lazy,indulgent wife isn't even working herself.
I am not sure why you don't want to get divorced from this situation that seems like there are two people just using you and sucking you dry...
Sorry, my wife does work, maybe I didn't write that right. She also has a full time job. I still like I am getting sucked dry though and I do love my wife when we get time to ourselves which is not often anymore being that the SD lives with us full time.
I agree with your mindset of
I agree with your mindset of ok with kids living here if they are working hard at school or a job and paying. Your SD is not doing either. She is 18. You have choices to make. I think you need something to change. I would give them an ultimatum. Either she finishes high school or moves out. She's an adult after all. Being held back 2 years in high school is pretty darn bad. I would be livid at having a lazy kid at my house making messes while doing friggen online school and sleeping in til noon every day whilst failing. Not a chance in hell.
So I am not completely wrong
So I am not completely wrong in being angry about it.. I don't even want to go home after work knowing what I am going to walk into every day.
Right now, she is not quite
Right now, she is not quite 18.. and still struggling to finish school. She has not been raised to be able to have anyone expect that she just somehow "act right, graduate and get a job"... should she be finishing/finished with her diploma? sure.. has she? no.. mom hasn't ensured that happened
Should she be interested in having at least a part time job (she is supposedly still in school).. sure.. but she is struggling to even do the minimal school work.. so I think it's unrealistic right now.
Should she have better hygiene and life skills.. yes.. of course.. again.. where has your wife been in all of this missing parenting?
I think what you want may be more possible in a different environment.. which is not your home currently.
BUT.. how do you approach this?
You approach this in that your wife should WANT her child to be successful.. to have the life skills to enjoy a full life. So, as a parent, it's HER responsibility.. teach her child to be responsible.. teach her child to follow t hrough.. teach her child to not procrastinate.. to for all that's holy.. help her child so that her child will have a happy life.. because rotting in her bedroom will NOT lead to it. Being offensive with teachers and authority figures will guarantee a life of misery.. why does she want that for a child.. if she loves her.. she will parent her.
She follows up on her school work and gets her out of bed because in the end.. it will provide her child a better life. She teaches her how to clean up her space.. how to regularly brush teeth and shower so she doesn't have dental problems and health problems.. she teaches her how to cook nutritious food.. so she will be healthy.. she models an active lifestyle and includes her daughter in it.. to teach her the habits that will make her a happy adult.
And once she is finished with her school.. she helps her to the next step.. trade training.. or a job.. etc.. and then on to helping her find a place of her own or shared with friends.. helps her figure out transportation.
If the girl truly has issues and needs mental intervention.. or medical.. does she not LOVE her child enough to seek that out?
That is the POV.. the perspective and how you approach it.
It's not how much it bugs you.. but doesn't she want her child to be a happy adult with a full life?
You have all the same questions I have! She says she wants her child to have all of that but her actions speak otherwise. Honestly it's not my SD I feel the most anger towards, it's my wife for not doing the right things. For example, we get home from our jobs and SD has left a mess, hasn't done school nor a single thing around the house and is in bed "sleeping." Her mother (my wife) decides she doesn't want to deal with it right now (which she does at a constant) and continues to let her "sleep" which I'm sure she's just faking it and on her phone because who can sleep 20 hours every day. I am tired from working a 9-12 hour day of physical outside labor and am now cleaning up messes around the house when all I want to do is take a shower and relax. Mind you, SD slept past noon, went to school for 2 hours and is "tired". I am getting angry and resentful towards SD now because her mom is not making her get up and clean up her messes or do her online school and Im dealing with them. When I get mad I'm being ridiculous and over reacting, she's just a kid and it turns into a repetitive argument. So then I feel like I am the one who is being punished for her child's laziness and negligence. I honestly don't ask for much, I don't even care at this point if she gets Ds, as long as she's passing and moving onto the next grade. I would also appreciate 1 chore to be completed BEFORE I get off work and any messes she may have made to be cleaned up. If those things are done then whatever, I cab ignore it a little longer.. I don't even press for her to have a job right now which I would like to happen as well. I juggled school and a job when I was a teenager ontop of completing my chores at home when I got there. I bought my own car and paid for my phone and car insurance while buying my own toiletries. I moved out right before I turned 18. SD likes to act like her life is so hard when her mother is just handing her everything which I think is also adding more resentment. I don't like feeling the resentment towards SD or that I quite frankly just don't like her and no longer want to be in her presence at all. On top of her body odor, when she talks to me it's a monologuing, if I say something she'll have a 1 word answer and continue about her monologuing while following me around why I'm cleaning or even through the bathroom door sometimes.. or she gets me cornered in my chair and sits infront of me making it difficult to get away lol she's not a tiny girl you can just step over.
maybe you need to have a more
maybe you need to have a more direct discussion with your wife?
Dear, don't you love your child enough to help her? I see your child floundering and you sit by and do nothing... honestly, it's not my place to step in here.. but your child is suffering right now.. she is stagnating.. she needs help.. as her parent it's your job to do that. I don't know how long I can stand by and just watch you neglect your child's needs... It is starting to affect my opinion of you and change how I feel about our relationship.. things need to turn around here.. or I don't see a future.
You are the breadwinner
You are the breadwinner (likely own the house?) you have the power here. Kid failing senior year of high school is completely unacceptable and its time they know that.
Not even a senior
Bread winner as in I'm making the most money/ providing the most, we are in the process of buying our home now which will also be me mostly because I have better credit.
She's not even a senior because she got held back twice, she's still in the 10th grade. I honestly don't even think she could or would succeed into getting a GED at this point. And when she went to public school full time she was constantly getting into trouble and even making teachers feel threatened by her, I feel so bad for her teachers. I'm starting to wonder if she has a slight mental disability but I don't know how to talk to her mom about that.
Not even a senior
Bread winner as in I'm making the most money/ providing the most, we are in the process of buying our home now which will also be me mostly because I have better credit.
She's not even a senior because she got held back twice, she's still in the 10th grade. I honestly don't even think she could or would succeed into getting a GED at this point. And when she went to public school full time she was constantly getting into trouble and even making teachers feel threatened by her, I feel so bad for her teachers. I'm starting to wonder if she has a slight mental disability but I don't know how to talk to her mom about that.
People often
think it's an easy out to get a GED. It's not, at least as not as easy to get passed along in high school, barely scraping by. You don't get a GED just by showing up. You have to show a predetermined level of mastery of the subject. And if you haven't moved past 10th grade in your regular coursework you're going to have a lot of work in front of you, especially in math and sciences. It takes a lot of determination and discipline to get a GED especially if you've spent your school years skipping classes, just not showing up and never completing assignments. It can be done but you really have to want it. I don't see many skids as actually willing to put in the work.
Your description of your SD
Your description of your SD "hurting herself" and cutting her hair and all the other things indicates that she's got Borderline Personality Disorder. She will not progress in life. This is how her life is going to be. My mother was BPD and had a very weak father. Women with BPD usually have very weak parents and get enabled. Your SD isn't going anywhere. Do not buy a house with your DW. In fact, I'd strongly suggest that you tell your DW that you need to live separately until she gets her DD launched. That won't happen as borderlines don't do well at meeting milestones in life, but at least you'll have gotten out of the house and removed your financial support to two people whom you are not financially responsible for. Then when you're living apart you can chose to either still date your DW or just end it as having a borderline in your life, even just on the periphery, is hell on earth. They just do not leave your life.
I agree with AgedOut that therapy just for you would be a good idea so that you have support and to maybe delve into how you got yourself into such a situation. Borderlines, use people as resources and that's what you are. They usually learn that behaviour from parent who wants to score a "resource," or a sucker so to speak, who will financially support them so that they can go through life not having to step up. Sorry to be blunt, but I agree with ESMOD that you are being sucked dry. I do understand that divorce is easier said than done, but maybe if you do it in stages like living apart you'll see the difference in your life and it'll be easier for you to pull the plug and escape. Borderlines and their enablers are VERY good at convincing their "resources" that they are responsible for forking over the dough and if you don't, you're the asshole. Don't fall for it. It's only words to try to protect their resource.
Maybe look up BPD. Although it is treatable if the co-morbidity isn't NPD, the prognosis is slim to none. The treatment plan for borderlines is attending intensive therapy almost every day, even every day to start for several hours a day, which makes treatment cost prohibitive. Therapsists who specialize in BPD actually have limited caseloads and their own therapists because even treating them as a professional is quite an ordeal. BPD isn't just the person afflicted, it is that it's a borderline family system, which means that your DW has major issues that resulted in the development and enablement of a borderline child. In other words, your SD is too far gone and your DW has severe enough issues that she's not going to change. She may even be BPD herself. If not, then she's got borderline tendencies that drive her to emotionally cripple her child so that she never leaves her mommy.
To make a long story short, you are not responsible for these two train wrecks. They're too dysfunctional that counselling won't be enough for either of them. Run fast and run far.
I will most definitely do
I will most definitely do some research on BPD. I have started to often wonder if SD has a mental disorder of some sort. Do people with BPD talk in monologue? And i mean non stop for hours barley taking a breath. And it's not every day, it's random and it's exhausting. She will also sleep anywhere, for example on Christmas my family came over and we were playing games and she went sleep sitting in her chair while we're all being loud playing games.
Thank you for your suggestions, knowledge and advice.. I will definitely be doing some research on BPD.
I'm not sure about speaking
I'm not sure about speaking on monlogue but sometimes Borderlines have a different way of speaking because they'll use wording in different contexts. They are very needy, so your SD follwoing you around might be a borderline thing. Borderlines are super anxious. They find life to be overwhelmeingly hard, even the most basic things. The talking non-stop for hours without barely taking a breath could be the anxiety or something else. It's definitely not within the normal range. The sleeping is weird, but could be attributed to anything. It's definitely not normal to need that much sleep or to fall asleep in a room full of people on Christmas. It's like your SD shut down during a social event.
Unfortunately, I highly doubt your SD will get any help she needs. If it were my own DD24, I would not have let things get this far and I would have gotten to the bottom of things waaaaaaaay before what your SD is exhibiting. I would have started with a check-up and gone from there. Your DW must know something is wrong because no parent in their right mind, and who doesn't need for their child to remain dependent upon them forever would allow their child to fail out of school and sleep her life away. Your DW would have had to have known something was up a long time ago but her need to keep her DD crippled outweighed her desire to see her daughter flourish. I mean, has your DW even thought of getting your SD in for a check-up and blood work for all the sleeping? If not then she damn well knows and likes for her DD to be the way she is because it satisfies the dysfunction in your DW.
I can't say that your SD is BPD, but there's definitely something. It's amazing how some personality disorders could impact the physical well-being. It's also possible that your SD has health issues in addition to psychological. If she is BPD, they don't eat healthfully. They have strange eating habits which can impact iron levels, energy, well-being, etc.
Your SD isn't the crux of the issue though. It started with your DW. I know that parents can go into denial but to have let your SD get to the point she's at indicates that your DW is every bit as dysfunctional as your SD is. You are not just dealing with a toxic SD, but rather a toxic family system. You are not responsible for that family system. You can't fix it and you can't save them. They don't want to be fixed and will fight you tooth and nail to maintain the status quo because they don't have a problem. Only you do. They will just see you as ruining it for them because it is only you who needs and wants change. They don't.
Yes, when her daughter was
Yes, when her daughter was younger she took her in for sleep tests and her daughter freaked out when they put the mask on her and so then her mother stopped the testing. She has recently had her do bloodwork and from what i know she is fine and healthy, they did give her something to help her sleep all through the night but they need to be taken at the same time every evening for them to work and I don't believe that is happening. Her mother has also taken her to therapy/counseling in the past and it was a bad experience so now that's off of the table.
She definitely eats allot of sugar and odd things at odd times which has caused her to gain quite a bit of weight.. I believe children shouldn't have to worry about that but now it's getting to an unhealthy point especially when she lays in bed for so long.
I am definitely going to take some time to process ever I thing you have said and maybe even step back from everything for a minute to think about everything. I love them both but I feel I am withering away.
Thank you!
If you want stay married
SD has to go. Finishing up schooo in June and you help her getting an apartment. DW has to understand gervDD has to go. Better to cost a few $ a month then put up with her crap. You will not need your sister to clean
From your post and comments
It sounds like your SD has some kind of mental/emotional disability, or depression.
Either way, she is not being parented. This situation will not change and you will continue being unhappy. The only person here who wants change is YOU.
Do you really want to buy a house with someone who is such a poor parent? Who doesnt stand by you? Who undermines you? Who lobbies against you with lazy and probably mentally ill SD?
Id run. You sound like a reasonable and nice person. Consider therapy for you. And take care of you.
Thank you
Yes, I am definitely starting to question and think a about things after talking to all of you on here. Thank you for your kind words! I didn't know that I needed to hear them!
I would recommend taking some
I would recommend taking some time to think about these issues prior to buying a home together. Discuss things with your partner. She what her thoughts are with regard to her kid. Go from there.
While I am of the mind that all income is marital income,
I would not tolerate what your immature and exploitative DW and her toxic failed family progeny are perpetrating against you.
Split finances immediately. Sell the car that SD had not paid you for, you pay only 1/3 of any household bills.
She is 18 less than a month. She can grow up between now and then or she can GTF out and finish growing up on her own time and her own dime. 18 and not graduating from HS makes her out or working and paying full rent, 1/3 of utilities,food, etc....
As for your DW ragging on your 10yo nephew, time to call a spade a spade and inform her that she says nothing to your nephew until she can grow up and parent her own failed family spawn effectively.
Stop being an observer in your own life and live your best life. Your SO adheres and delivers to your expectations as your equity life partner or .... move on, live well, and leave this shit show in your past.
Not many want a marriage to end in divorce, but no one should take a back seat in their own life, their marriage, their home, and their life.
Set and enforce the standards of behavior and standards of performance in your marriage, family, and home. Everyone adheres or they are delivered the escalating misery inducing consequences for that failure. Their choice.
Live well. It is what everyone owes themselves, and it is also the best revenge.
Take care of you.
It’s a little late to instill those hard
Working quality's in SD. I'm afraid you see what you are getting. It's DW'S child it's her job to turn SD into a good hard working person, she failed, and now not even trying. She happy with things the way they are...SD must go. You have to find a way. What's going to be impossible. To get SD out.
You need Courage to Make to make your future brighter
You need Courage to Make changes
Here’s another father going through a difficult situation.
Here’s the story I shared on that post:
My aunt—my mother’s foolish sister, who I’ll call Fool—made one of the classic blunders: she married an alcoholic, thinking because he was exciting, he would make a good husband. It wasn’t until after the baby was born that Fool realized, surprise, surprise, she couldn’t make it work. So, she left.
When her daughter, Dena the Dumbhead, was three, Fool married again, this time to a man I’ll call Clueless. Now, Clueless was a hardworking guy who provided them with a comfortable life. Fool dropped down to part-time work while Clueless became the provider, giving Dena everything she could dream of. He sent her to expensive summer camps, the kind where rich kids learned tennis, horseback riding, canoeing, hiking, camping, and even dabbled in theater. Whatever Dena wanted, Clueless bought, trying to give her the kind of life Fool never could have managed on her own.
And how did Fool and Dena repay this man? With utter disrespect. Dena, spoiled beyond belief, started acting out, testing every boundary. And when Clueless, the one who provided everything, tried to discipline her, Fool would swoop in, screaming, “You ain’t the father—leave my child alone!” It was the same story every time. Fool always took Dena's side, defending her no matter how badly she behaved. Clueless, who had given them both a life of comfort and privilege, was constantly undermined by Fool, treated like an outsider in his own home. The thankless skid could do no wrong in Fool’s eyes, and Clueless was left holding the bag for all their indulgences without any authority to keep things in check.
Well, when Dena was nine years old, the trouble truly began. Yes, you read that correctly. Mostly drinking because that’s the kind of kids she gravitated towards, ones whose parents were alcoholics. At age nine, she started doing pot and other drugs. At age ten, she associated with some teens who robbed a store, got caught and she was sent to correctional homes. During this time, Dena caused chaos and drama and manipulated the division between her egg donor and Clueless. Did I tell you that around age 12 Dena the Dumbhead started having sex?
When Dena the Dumbhead was approaching thirteen, Clueless had finally reached his breaking point. He’d had enough of the chaos, the disrespect, and the endless drama. So, he and Fool separated, probably realizing there was no saving a situation where he was constantly undermined. But the most shocking part? Dena's response. She proudly told my mother, “Now that I broke Clueless and Mommy up, I’m never going to let Mommy go.”
It was as if, in her twisted little mind, she’d won some kind of battle, fully aware of the damage she had caused—and completely reveling in it.
Well, the first thing Dumbhead did after breaking up her mom and Clueless was get pregnant. And, of course, she handed the baby off to Fool to raise. There's an old saying, "If you didn’t raise your own kids to be responsible adults, you’ll end up raising your grandkids." And that’s exactly what Fool did—sacrificing the rest of her life to care for Dumbhead’s son.
But let me tell you, if you thought Dumbhead was bad, her son was a full-blown nightmare from Hell. Grandson wasn’t just a handful; he was the result of a dysfunctional lineage passed down, and Fool, true to form, found herself stuck in the same destructive cycle—raising another troubled child in a mess she helped create. By the time Fool hit fifty, she was already suicidal, overwhelmed by the mess her life had become. She’d spent years sacrificing herself for a daughter and grandson who only drained her emotionally and mentally, most definitely financially. By the time she passed at sixty-two, it was from a stroke—brought on, no doubt, by years of stress and neglecting her own health. She wouldn’t take her medication, and on the day, she died, she was in yet another heated argument with her precious grandbaby. In the end, it was the same vicious cycle that finally consumed her. She died alone. Her daughter was too busy getting high to care.
Now, as for Clueless? He finally caught a break. After the disaster with Fool and Dena, he met a wonderful woman at work, and they got married. Unlike his previous life of sending brats to fancy summer camps, he and Mrs. Clueless 2.0 spent their time traveling through Europe, exploring the world together. They shared a love for the great outdoors and even biked across much of Europe and the UK, living the kind of adventurous, fulfilling life Clueless probably never imagined was possible.
Eventually, they settled down in a beautiful area of New York City, where they spent the rest of their days enjoying their hobbies. Both came from wealthy families, so there were no financial struggles, just the freedom to live on their own terms. They never had children, but they found purpose supporting animal shelters and surrounded themselves with a few unusual pets—probably more fulfilling than raising another Dena could ever have been. Clueless finally found the peace he deserved.
Once the trash took itself out of Clueless' life, he was finally able to embrace the true treasures that life had to offer. It’s like the moment he shed that weight, new doors opened up for him. He found happiness, adventure, and a sense of fulfillment he never could’ve had while dragging Fool and Dena along.
And honestly, this could very well be the case in your situation too. If you decide to leave, you might just find that the real joys in life—peace, freedom, and happiness—are waiting for you on the other side. Sometimes, cutting ties with the toxic, dysfunctional people in your life is the first step toward a better life.
Sometimes, ‘love is not enough.’
It's important to recognize that you cannot help someone who doesn't want help.
Attempting to change individuals who don't acknowledge they have problems or lack the discipline or courage to change is futile.
If your skid is experiencing mental health problems, these issues stem from early caregivers. If the BM isn't providing the necessary support, it suggests dysfunction on her part as well, this is across the board in her life.
Recognizing this dysfunction indicates that you are likely healthier than they are, that’s why the situation bothers you so.
Prioritize your well-being; by freeing yourself from toxicity, you may discover better opportunities awaiting you.
Good Luck!
Toaster, this story gets me every time I read it.
Thanks for sharing the saga of Fool and Clueless.
Clueless moving on to a triumphant life is an inspiration..
DW and I both took a do over from earlier poor choices in a partner. That choice for each of us gave us the chance at what we have built together. DW's clarity as a parent and my intolerance for toxicity rescued our kid from the tragic outcome that Fool's DD and GS have lived.
Thanks again for sharing this incredible story.
Thank you, Rags. Your wisdom
Thank you, Rags. Your wisdom and kindness are greatly appreciated. The tale of Clueless, Fool, and Dumbass is indeed tragic; however, the silver lining is that Clueless, being the healthiest of the trio, managed to escape and live his best life. All the advice above by all the posters provided is top-notch and extremely helpful.