Serenity Now's Blog
Does anyone else feel like they are a 2nd or 3rd priority in their FH/DH/BF's life?
I have been struggling lately with the fact that I have no children of my own and therefore I always put my FH first as a priority. He gets 100% of my attention and love. I even do things for SD7 because I know it makes him happy and I do actually love her and want her to be happy.
Why do I feel like I'm "competing" with a 7 year old?
Has this happened to anyone else and how did you deal with it? FDH and I don't live in the same area as BM and SD7 so currently we fly to see her EOW. He has told SD7 that whenever she needs him to call him. I love this little girl and genuinely feel bad that she misses her dad so much. I understand because I miss him too since he travels all week for work. But....I get annoyed that when she has an issue that BM can't (won't) deal with she calls DFH crying and unfortunately this happens often.
How much about our private life does the BM need to know???
Can anyone tell me what is normal? Is there anything that I can keep private? BM was very disturbed and called FH in a screaming tirade that he should have told her himself that we got engaged. Apparently, she found out through other people and was hurt that she didn't know. Seriously? When is enough enough? It's bad enough that I have to share my life with this "woman" but why should she have to know anything other than what affects SD7? We did tell her before I met SD7 when we were dating because that affected her.