He does it on purpose
My SS10 walks in the house covered in filth from head to toe. It's time to come in anyways so I simply tell him to do half his chore (picking up dog droppings), then shower and THEN do his dishes. There was no way his nasty hands were touching clean dishes, and I flat out told him that. Oh and when I say filthy I mean, just rolled in a pig sty filthy. 10 minutes go by as he does his first chore then suddenly I hear dishes being done....SAY WHAT!? I ran into the kitchen and sure enough there he is putting dishes away. I asked "Did you wash your hands?" thinking he was smart enough to do that. He said "Oh No" shrugging his shoulders as if saying "F You!". I said "You know this is the problem you have. You just don't listen to what your told or maybe you just don't care." He said "Ye..ye..ye..yes" in his usual weak - feel sorry for me tone. I said "Please don't do that, I know it's not real and I don't buy it."
I shipped him off to the shower and then ran to my computer to vent.
I am so freaking sick of this damn kid. I give him simple instructions, ask if he understood them, ask him to repeat them and move on. He does this crap on purpose. He doesn't pull this stuff with DH.
I WANT HIM OUT OF MY HOUSE FOR THE REST OF THE SUMMER!!! DH is suppose to put SS through a program at the YMCA where he might leave for at least a week. I'll take it if it's given. It's better than nothing....right?
Off to go monitor the ignoramus. DH is at school tonight, lucky him. I wish I was in school with him.
- seidahogirl's blog
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This is the problem with our
This is the problem with our youth today. MY father would tell you when he was 10 that he was going to school all day and working on the farm before and after school and bathing. If he and many others of his generation were able to do so how come kids today cant accomplish this? My daughter is 9 and she often has a list of several chores to do-she doesnt need to come back and check in with me for me to "remind" her again of what the chore is. Nor do I need to stand over her and supervise all aspects of her chore to make sure it is done correctly. Also I dont consider showering a chore? This is a daily task-that truthfully by age 10 a child should have mastered and would not need to be reminded nightly to do.
When does it end? When he is 13 will he be able to do 3 tasks? How about 18? 21? I can tell you that my 13 year old ss cant do 3 tasks either-it has nothing to do with his ability-he just doesnt want to do anything anybody tells him to do. If he feels forced then he will do whatever seems simplest to him whether it is the correct way or not. And he will also deliberately do whatever he is told not to do just to show he does not have to listen. If he is confronted-it just depends on his mood. At times, we get the "Gee, I forgot" at other times we get screamed at.
I agree! Youth's today are
I agree! Youth's today are lazy and their parents are too. If you want your child(ren) to become healthy, productive, intelligent adults then you need to raise them as such. We have responsibilities as parents to teach our children and it is my duty to begin teaching them with household chores, until they can get a real job and gain experiences on their own.
As I told my SS yesterday, I am sick of the "Oh I forgot!" or "Oh, Sorry!" or "I don't know why I didn't do what you asked" statements. My SS is flat out lazy, wants everyone to give him what he wants and will do whatever he can to piss you off until he wins.
I have to prevent this child from becoming an under-acheiver and living in my house until he's 40 year old.
You are correct! SS10 can
You are correct! SS10 can play an XBOX 360, Play-station, Gameboy, manage the internet, etc....he can do dishes, dog poop and showering.
Every child in my home has 2
Every child in my home has 2 chores and showering is a daily requirement, that is not a chore.
My instructions to my SS were not complicated, he just chooses to do what he wants and if it appears too hard or he would rather play, he half-asses it. This is not just with chores but everything in his life.
This child is not stupid, does not have ADHD and is not mentally challenged. He was given his 2 daily chores, just as I have done for the last 8 years, and HE chose not to do them. If he was mentally challenged, it sure would make life a lot better because there would be a reason for the stupidity.
My BC are 15, 13, and 11, they have the same chore rules and can handle it. It's the child and he chooses to make life between him and I HELL.
My sd17 does the same thing
My sd17 does the same thing and has done so since 10. Unless your husband does something to stop this it will most likely continue. My GF allows this behavior from her BD so nothing has changed and from the way it's going it won't change from her. She has to be given one task at a time like programing a robot, it's a pain. Most likely everyone else tires of your SS behavior and finishes his tasks for him so he's doing the same with you hoping you tire or give up. Pretty common for kids or people to do this if they know they can get away with it. Only solution is a nice stiff drink and let his dad deal with it
kind of joking but I have to do that from time to time. Good luck.
Man SD17, almost 18. I envy
Man SD17, almost 18. I envy those SM/SD with SC that are almost or are 18 years old.
I honestly cannot wait for this child's 18th birthday. He's getting luggage, prepacked for him.
How do you handle SD? Do you just give up and walk away, leaving it to her Bio-parent?
Ya, her mother does
Ya, her mother does everything for her because I won't just let her walk all over me. Like most people here I just disengage . Seems to work best , didn't realize it was so common tell I found this site.