SD's predictable mysterious health crisis
Yesterday we had a health scare with our 1-year-old DD, my husband was quite upset because he was the one that had to take her to get blood drawn and it takes five people to get a tube of blood out of a baby. We are awaiting test results for something that might be quite serious.
It's not like BM or SD12 knew about this but it just so happened that SD had her own health "crisis" which managed to completely overshadow DD. It's always like this no matter what is going on with our lives it all grinds to a halt if anything is going on with SD.
SD12 is allergic to dogs, we've known this for years. She started having a reaction at her aunt's house and we gave her Zyrtec at our house. Her allergy is completely manageable with OTC allergy pills. I don't let SD sleep with my dog because she is allergic and it always makes it worse for her. So this past weekend I had to kick the dog out of the bed and her room, I know I seemed like the bitch stepmom doing it. I could give a crap if SD feels bad I just didn't want my husband to have BM calling and bitching at him. Well it happened anyway.
BM is under the impression that we MAKE her sleep with the dog. This same issue has happened dozens of times and I'm the only one that has seemed to learn the pattern. BM is opposed to real medicine and only uses traditional medicine, so when SD had hives and she took her to the ER the doctors offered her steroids and BM refused. the whole issue could have been solved with Zyrtec or Benadryl but BM does not believe in medicine. She thinks everything can be fixed with herbal tea and if not then it must be some sort of foul play. She sends SD to us decked out in that "evil eye" jewelry as if she is going to get a curse by being around us. When she called to bitch to DH about the allergies he said well if you're going to take her to the doctor you have to listen to the doctor... The solutions to this issue are known but BM kept acting like something mysterious happened at our house and she was pressing him to know what it was. She demanded a rundown of everything that SD ate while she was with us. We know what is was!
BM didn't call until days after SD left our house which means that she let this issue go on without doing anything about it. Hives are often due to a contact sensitivity and it was a combination of her lack of showering lack of changing her clothes and the allergy pills wearing out of her system. Contact sensitivities are not an issue if you bathe and change your clothes regularly, SD does neither.
So after this phone call where BM just wanted to play the victim that SD was feeling bad but she wouldn't allow her to take anything for it my husband was lamenting "my baby has hives" for the rest of the evening. I don't know if he was upset that SD was feeling bad or upset that she has a mom that doesn't believe in modern medicine.
Our daughter can't even have a serious health scare without SD and BM managing to completely overshadow it with entirely fixable problems.
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Is your husband willing to
Is your husband willing to document this and take it to court? Medical neglect is pretty serious. Or does he just want to keep feeling helpless and lamenting about it to you?
Came here to say this. This
Came here to say this. This is medical neglect and CPS should become involved.
OP, hope your baby is okay.
Could be considered neglect to expose child to known allergen
Like sure, go ahead and smoke even though you have asthma, as long as the inhaler is nearby. So maybe that's not apples to apples and a dramatic comparison, but seriously, BM is making medical decisions based on her medical beliefs. You and DH are also making a decision based on your medical's okay to expose SD to a known allergen and subsequently give her medicine that, whilst small, does carry some risk, and certainly steroids are more risky than zyrtec, which would be unnecessary if the exposure didn't happen in the first place, and it's obvious how to prevent that. Both are medical decisions based on beliefs, and both can be argued for and against with scientific evidence and reasoning. Is BM's parenting really worthy of phone call to CPS? Haven't read any other posts, so maybe it is? If CPS was called and BM was truly totally unfit, who would SD end up with? It doesn't sound like a good tactic unless there is more you can offer up than her refusing a drug that has these potential side effects: (see cardiac arrest as a possibility, although a small risk, but it's there).
Also, she took SD to ER, which shows she was concerned. Hives can be indicative of other things besides contact to allergens:lupus, viruses, and more. Maybe she wanted to confirm that was the reason before making a decision how to proceed.
As for the SD overshadowing the bio, I totally get this, and it's horrible. I hope all the tests have turned out okay, and I'm sorry you had to experience this trauma. It is never easy seeing our babies suffer, and it is frightening when they are sick. I truly hope all is well now.
I hadn't even thought of that
I hadn't even thought of that, though I would be concerned about BM playing it like we make SD sleep with the dog and we drug her with allergy meds. In the past she has screamed at DH for drugging SD with Zyrtec like we were trying to knock her out and not that we returned her feeling tired form having fun all weekend. I could see BM winning that one.
Maybe we should give SD a bottle of allergy medicine to keep with her and take as needed. That's what we did with deodorant when she started getting BO since BM won't let her use real deodorant.
She would not win that one.
She would not win that one. She is refusing to follow the doctor's directions and you are. Zyrtec is non- drowsy.
Your DH should call CPS or inform the doctor of BM's refusal to give meds and they may call.
This was a very interesting
This was a very interesting turn of advice. As I said this same exact issue comes up over and over and BM acts like it is a brand new thing each time even though it's very predictable and treatable. We'll start documenting, though I think if DH made the threat to BM about calling CPS for medical negligence she would be scared enough to get in line.
Refusing a medication as safe
Refusing a medication as safe as Benadryl, for a serious allergic reaction - hives are serious - is neglectful and BM should be called out on it. What if SD became anaphylactic? Would she wave pendants over her and give her herbs?
My brother is an herbal medication afficionado and it makes me nuts. I do think people should be mindful of the meds they take, but if they need them, then take them! They tried to treat his daughter's asthma with herbs when she was young, yeah, that didn't work.
I totally agree, I try to
I totally agree, I try to minimize what I take myself but there are some things where you just have to take advantage of the wonders of modern medicine.
The fact that BM called to complain about this on Wednesday when we hadn't seen SD since Sunday means that she let it go for way too long. SD used to follow BMs voodoo to a T but she's become more skeptical.
One time SD got bad gas (we had Mexican food earlier and all she ate were beans) and was writhing in pain and couldn't be reasoned with. We tried to give her gasx and she refused, then we tried to give her ginger ale and she refused. She cried that she can only have her mom's tea with ginger and lemon. Ok... Such a big deal for just a fart but that was the day I learned of a lot of BMs superstitions. Like SD picked all the ice cubes out of her water because "you can have ice if you're sick" she also doesn't believe in showering if you're sick, because getting your head wet when you're sick makes it worse. Maybe in the prehistoric time before hair dryers... So when you're sick at BMs you don't shower and just accumulate filth til you feel better? No wonder her contact sensitivity allergies lingered so long!
I am confused as to why she
I am confused as to why she would go to the ER when she is against "modern medicine"... what does she expect them to do? lay hands upon the child???
TBH I think she thought we
TBH I think she thought we poisoned SD or something.
I went through something similar to this
My SD is 19 now but she developed juvenile diabetes at about 11. Her mother, North Korea, is also a believer in alternative and holistic medicene. My SD almost died because of North Korea's incompetence. She was very, very, very sick. She went from 100 lbs to 68 lbs. She lost 11 lbs in one month. North Korea kept taking her to the chiropractor for spinal adjustments. She's give her vitamins but no real doctor. I was just having the worst fights with her father because he would do nothing against North Korea ever at all even that Christmas when he had to carry her like a baby up the steps to her moms house after eating lindor truffles that she got as a gift xmas morning. I finally figured out what it was around January. It just clicked. We didn't get her very often. But we were going to have a birthday party for my DD and she drank every single drink that we we had for the birthday party. and then they went to go get Chinese Food and she asked for a 12 pack of chocolate yoohoos from the grocery store next door and was drinking them hot in the car. Her dad told her no and she was just crying cause she was so thirsty and a light bulb clicked in my head. All the symptoms made sense. So I made him call North Korea and I sat next to him and she said, "NOPE. Her sinusus are just really dried out." Her mom had full medical rights and he just had every other weekend (maybe). So my mom is a pharamcist and I was working on getting a blood monitor to test her blood myself and force her dad to act when North Korea called perhaps a week later saying SD was on the way to the hospital in am ambulance. She was there for over a week and diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Even now its the same old fight. Her doctors think she should be on an ace inhibitor and North Korea says no, that she knows best with her cosmetology license over any doctor. I had a heart to heart with SD when she turned 18. I said , "You are in control over your own health now. You get with your doctors and you get educated. It's your toes and fingers and kidneys, not your moms, and you'll lose them if you keep listening to that fool woman."
Omg that is absolutely
Omg that is absolutely horrifying that a mother would let that happen to her own child and work against a solution. It's hard to imagine losing 11 lbs in a month not setting off alarm bells for NK. Your SD is lucky she made it to 18!
My SDs BM is at the same time a hypochondriac but doesn't trust Drs. So far nothing serious has come of this but your story has made me want to keep a closer eye on this.
This is insane. She took her
This is insane. She took her to the ER for fricken hives??!!
Im allergic to MY dogs! (Who also sleep in our bed) Guess I need an ER trip everyday!
I've built up immunity to SOs dog he had before me. My lab am not as allergic too but, if either one of them lick me or scratch me I get hives and they are gone within the hour.
I've dealt with animal allergies and seasonal allergies my whole life.
If you guys pay for these absurd ER visits I would stop. The doctors must think they are insane.
My husband and SD are just
My husband and SD are just like you. Washing or changing clothes usually takes care of it. If my DH bathes my dog or if the dog gets into bed (not lately since we got a taller one!) Then he takes a Benadryl and is just fine. Same with SD if she sleeps with the dog, which we don't allow but she sneaks the dog in sometimes.
My DD and I get hives once in a while too. I have sensitive skin but it's mild and most of the time I have no idea what set it off.
SD really shouldn't have had hives on Wednesday from an exposure at out house on Sunday if she bathed, changed clothes, and took allergy meds like she knows work.
She didn't get hives from
She didn't get hives from your house 3 days later. She probably didn't even have hives when she went to the ER.
You guys should ask for pictures next time.
Not sure continually exposing a child to something
that triggers allergic reaction, to the point of hives, reflects all that well on your parenting. Another poster noted the risks of continued exposure, that reactions can change over time, to become more severe. While BM certainly was wrong in her approach I am not sure that defaulting to medication is the best plan either. Does SD have other allergies as well?
and for what it's worthy no medication is completely safe. I was recently in the ER due to an allergic reaction to Benadryl. I am 59, have taken it off and on for years and was taking it as prescribed due to poison ivy rash. It was a miserable experience and honestly scary.
Nothing in life is completely
Nothing in life is completely safe. Benadryl is waaayyy safer than driving a car, but I bet you don't hesitate to do that.
The Child's doctor recommended Zyrtec. That's what they do.
Just saying she got hives 3
Just saying she got hives 3 days after seeing us. While with us she got itchy eyes but was fine otherwise. BM is the one that wouldn't do anything for her rash and took her to the ER and then refused to let a Dr do anything for her rash. We give SD zyrtec is she feels bad, BM just lets her suffer. If she got bad hives while with us she would have gotten benadryl, a shower and then some cortisone cream. Then monitored.
SD doesn't have other allergies and we are not getting rid of our dog because SD comes to our house once a month. SD loves this dog.