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Rbm2019's Blog

Am I wrong?

Rbm2019's picture

Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary.  When we first got married we eloped, and as soon as the ceremony was over we went back to the house and SS. We had 2 hours alone that day (ceremony&pictures). Our 1st anniversary we weren't even together for. Now this year we at least went for dinner, but of course SS just had to come too. My DH doesn't understand why I would be upset at not celebrating. Am I wrong to think that when SS is there it's not an actual date or anniversary dinner? Especially when I forgot the nursing cover at home and spent half the meal in the truck nursing the baby.

Am I wrong?

Rbm2019's picture

Today is our 2nd wedding anniversary.  When we first got married we eloped, and as soon as the ceremony was over we went back to the house and SS. We had 2 hours alone that day (ceremony&pictures). Our 1st anniversary we weren't even together for. Now this year we at least went for dinner, but of course SS just had to come too. My DH doesn't understand why I would be upset at not celebrating. Am I wrong to think that when SS is there it's not an actual date or anniversary dinner? Especially when I forgot the nursing cover at home and spent half the meal in the truck nursing the baby.


Rbm2019's picture

So the way my husbands custody works with his son is we have primary custody. His mom lives several states away. She is supposed to get him every summer/spring/ and fall break plus Thanksgiving. We are supposed to trade off on Christmas ( one gets the first half then two days after Christmas the other parent gets him until school resumes). 

Potty training

Rbm2019's picture

My nightmare of a stepson is almost 5. He is supposedly fully potty training. Since moving out of my mother in laws house into our own home this summer. He has peed in my floor 5 times, he pees the bed nightly, and he has started pooping on himself. And when I saw pee the bed, I mean we had to replace the mattress because my husband refused to put him in pull ups at night for the first two months of it. 
