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Prideful grin! I know. Bad Rags.

Rags's picture

Just got a call from one of my former employees. The company I was with until the end of the first week of June, actually my X-Boss, put my team under a Jr. Engineer. Not surprising. When I advised merging my team and engineering, my intent was to lead the initiatives I had been hired to deliver while not adding $1Mil+ in headcount increases that had already been approved but then ignored.  They have retracted on adding several key positions that had been approved across multipe departments.  All of the initiatives I started have been approved and funded.  More than a month after I submitted the purchase reqs.  The young Eng now "leading" the activities is blowing budgets left and right because he won't engage my former team in execution.  He is just buying whatever the vendors and contractors are telling him to buy instead of following standard troubleshooting and corrective action models.  But, no experience, no knowledge.  Experience and knowledge will outperform youth and inexperience every time. Even when that youth may have similar base level knowledge.


I took all of the execution plans with me though I had sent them to my boss when I made the proposals.  He apparently can't find them and the only thing he has is the pdfs of ppt slides with very high level bullet points that I presented to the Sr. leader team the week prior to my departure.  Not execution level  project and job plans.

My former employee is irritated and not stepping up to smooth things out.  He does not like my former boss and does not like how the company treats people.  I advised him to bring his knowledge to play and help solve the issues. Nope, he is an older guy who is working to be busy and not because he needs the money.  He has a side businesses that pay him a lot more than he is making at my former company.

Interestingly, all of the PR/PO submittals I put in after putting together the  project and repair plans  and sending them to my boss and that went unapproved for many weeks were approved enmasse over the past two weeks.  The issue is that the young guy provided approvals to vendors to do it all so... they are billing like crazy.

I feel for that kid.  He has no clue.

The last thing I led was a comprehensive troubleshooting and repair initiative on a key product production system.  I initiated a progressive sub system by subsystem troubleshooting progression and was down to the last confirmation step when I was released. Nope, they ordered the entire part list for the system rather than actually troubleshooting the problem.  The equipment installed today, did not resolve the issue.  I know where the problem is. The last step would confirm it. They replaced the second most expensive component in the entire system. Indications were that it was not the problem. So, make bad decisions, spend tons of money you don't need to spend.  All that was needed as the next step was to remove a coupling and pulse the drive. If the drive engaged, the problem was the turbine blower that the drive powers.  If the drive did not engage, the problem is the drive. When the drive was engaged the thermal overload was tripping. That indicated that the problem was either the drive or  the vacuum pump though the drive kick prior to the thermal overload tripping showed it was likely not the drive.  Since they installed the new drive, they cannot return it and now have to replace the most expensive component.  So, enjoy spending that money X-Boss.  Don't blame it on the kid.  He is sharp, he is not experienced. The failure is yours boss man.

My guy installed the drive while continually advising to disconned the coupling and kick the drive before replacing the old one.  Youngster got irritated and demanded the drive replacement. So, my experienced guy did what Jr. wanted. Knowing full well that it was likely an expensive and ineffective step.

Apparently the young guy was getting tons of kudos for rapid action but is now getting flamed for overspending and not accomplishing the needed actions.

My guy told me to expect a call to guide path forward on the several large initiatives I had launched.


Sure, for a nominal paid up front consulting fee.  

With this company, I know they don't pay contractors and vendors in a timely manner.  So, I'm not playing games.

I know, pride, the first or last of the 7 Deadly Sins. Depending on what order you find.




CLove's picture

Dont understand the mechanics 100 percent, but hey "I told you so" karmically is soooooooo nice.


AlmostGone834's picture

With this company, I know they don't pay contractors and vendors in a timely manner.

As an outsourced vendor this infuriates me. We turn down jobs where they don't respect our net 30 day payment. Find someone else. You don't get to decide when your bills are due.


Rags's picture

I have spent much of my career as a 3rd party service vendor.  I completely agree with you.  

When I arrived in the role at the end of Feb I was gaslighted on getting bills paid for services already rendered.  I had bills that others had hidden put on my desk to get resolved with contractors/vendors.  Even with that I could not get the bills paid by AP. I got the runaround about reverifying work completion, what really has to be paid, etc..

Since my departure, I have not received any calls from contractors seeking payment. Yet.