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Happy Birthday Son!

Rags's picture

Today you turn 17. I remember fondly the 15mo old tow headed little guy that helped me chase ducks around the golf course when your Mom and I started the process of making the three of us a family. I am extremely proud of the young man you have worked so hard to become and look forward to your journey to be the man of standing that I am confident you ultimately will be.

I love you and miss you my son.



Sebbie's picture

I would rather be hated for who I am, then loved for who I am not.

and how wonderful that you have the pride and confidence in your son like you do. I have watched daily as my dh has bonded with my bioson, to the point that like you, dh is "dad". The integrity you and other stepfathers show in taking on the role of father does not go unnoticed by your wives, family members, friends, strangers, and most importantly, to "our" children. I hope your son's birthday is wonderful!

Rags's picture

But, when the spouses are commited to each other and commited to the status of the adult relationship as the core or the blended family the blended part can truly be a non-issue. The Kids/Skids are beneficiaries of that core adult relationship. When the kid's best interests are a priority of the marriage ..... StepParenting can be extremely rewarding and the StepChild experience can be the foundational security in a Skid life.

Being my Son's Father, even though I am without genetic portfolio is one of the true joys of my life.

He may not share my gene pool but I have raised him as my own. He speaks like I do, acts like I do, values what I do, and thinks in large part like I do. He is without exception, in all things my Son.

My regards to your family an their focus on being a REAL family.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags)