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....... and now the anger!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rags's picture

Okay, right when I was in a prideful and pretty good place with my kid (SS) he proves beyond any doubt, once again, that he is the spawn of the SpermIdiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nothing this lazy and worthless could have possibly sprung from my loins. Which was never in question since I met his Mom when he was 1yo.

While I was writing my previous blog he went upstairs to call his Mom and discuss the afternoon and the plan for Springbreak. Once I posted my blog I went up to find out about the discussion.

I walk in to his room and he is wrapped in a blanket with odor of stinky kid wafting around his room asleep with his Mom chattering in the phone next to his ear. I picked up the phone and told my wife that the kid was asleep and that I would see her when she got home. I proceeded to attempt to get the Skid to recount his discussion with his Mom and got a sequence of semi-catatonic "I don't remember" statements.

GRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want only the best for this kid but he makes it difficult to even remotely like him much less love him and tolerate his presence. I was tempted to grab him by the ankles and sling him of his bed making sure his head contacted any and all nearby hard surfaces in an effort to impact some character in to his being and something more than half a brain cell he inherited from the SpermIdiot in to his head.

But ......... I contained myself and walked away after attempting to drag some iota of engagement out of him.

Fortunately I am flying to TX tomorrow AM to spend the weekend with my little bro who is flying in from Singapore and Mom and Pop Rags. My wife will have to deal with his royal worthlessness for the weekend.

Pheewwwwwww!!!! I feel better now but will need this long weekend to reset so that I can interface with my Son (SS) when I get back. 8 more weeks to graduation and four months until he is 18.

I am still confident that he will be a upstanding viable adult in spite of the genetic garbage he inherited from the SpermIdiot and the SpermClan.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Best regards.


DISbelief's picture

Let me get this straight... your wife was on the phone talking to your son, and your son was ASLEEP?? That is classic!

I still have faith that he will pull this off Rags. No matter how well you raise them, teenagers are still TEENAGERS!!

Have an awesome time with your bro, and those awesome parents of yours.. SS will pull his head out. I am nearly certain of it!


~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

starfish's picture

howhave you done it (being sf) for so long????

this too shall pass....

enjoy texas & family.......

DISbelief's picture

That's a HUGE deal!! Good for him...

~You have to BE crazy to UNDERSTAND crazy!~ Wink

Rags's picture

Thanks to all on the feedback and advice. He really is a very nice kid. He is well behaved, pleasant and polite. Unfortunately that is about it. He even realizes and comments that that is about it as far as his appealing qualities at this point. He is however speaking more frequently about how his lazy behavior is aggravating him and that he wants to work on it.

We took him to one of his favorite places for dinner this evening to celebrate his 3/4 project performance. During dinner he said that he had had a pretty good day since he had finished 3/4 sections of his Sr project on the first try after only having 2 months to do it while many of his class mates had finished 4/4 after working on the project since the summer after their Jr year and many others had failed multiple sections multiple times.

The good news in that historically he would have moped and pouted around for weeks and been a snarky punk making himself and everyone around him miserable. I guess recovering after a couple of hours is huge progress.

So once again I am proud of him.

For how long this time remains to be seen.

Thanks again.

Best regards,

Success is rarely final. Failure is rarely fatal. It is character, courage and consistency of effort that count. Vince Lombardi (with some minor Rags modifications) To each according to their performance, screw Karl Marx. (Rags) out

unhappy2happy's picture

Whewwww you scared me there... All teenagers suck at one time or another even if they are from your own body... I could tell you all some stories... Don't want to go there again.. LOL