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Just need to vent

raggedyann1973's picture

SD14 left her retainer at our house yesterday. DH already took her back home (she lives an hour away). She calls him around 9pm asking him to bring retainer to her bc if he didn't....get this...all of her teeth will fall out of her mouth!!

He had to tell her 3 times "NO".

When...when..when will this end?

Not sure how much more I can take

raggedyann1973's picture

So last night we had "date night" so we spent a good part of the evening enjoying our wine and dinner.....later around 10:30 we go upstairs to continue the evening and his phone goes off twice....its SD14 calling to ask "why" he didn't call her back (mind you they talk everyday) and he starts to explain that he had to do something after work and blah blah she says she cannot go to sleep unless she tells him goodnight...needless to say the mood was gone....I made comment that she should be in the bed bc it's late and we had words and he gets up and sleeps downstairs

We are talking divorce.....

raggedyann1973's picture

Long story short. We had a falling out over the weekend and during this time SD14 called him to say that Justin Bieber has a movie coming out. I made smart comment that she was prolly calling to tell him something she saw on I-Carly. So needless to say he was annoyed with me. I told him that I am tired of ex calling sometimes daily for stupid stuff and that I am tired of him ALWAYS saying “yes” to the both of them. Told him I don’t like that he buys his daughter 20 gifts for Xmas and 10 for my daughter. I exaggerated on the number but you know what I mean.

Tired of DH not having any back-bone

raggedyann1973's picture

This is really a vent about DH. This weekend my family is coming for a visit so my bio daughter 18 and my SD14 were going to go spend the whole day at another family member's house visiting and having fun. SD will be with me bc DH has to work this weekend. DH just called me and asked if nephew 10 can come over to our house this weekend. I reminded him of my plans with family and simply said that he needs to have a talk with nephew before we leave for the day telling him that he is to listen to me, etc. Nephew has ADHD and when he's not on his meds, he is really a handful.

I had a talk with SD14 over the weekend and I laid down the law

raggedyann1973's picture

I have posted where my SD14 is rude and disrespectful almost always. Couple of examples....always interrupts when adults are talking...wants oodles of noodles after I prepared lovely meal....insists on wedging herself between me and her father of we are walking in a mall or something....if I wear the same sweatshirt 2 days in a row, she will make smart comment about it.......Okay so on Friday I brought her down to the basement to talk to her about her behavior. I said she wasn't in "trouble" but their are some items I want to birng to her attention.

Sorry Ladies...I didn't mean for the "Halloween" post to get out of hand.

raggedyann1973's picture

I went ahead and deleted the original post. Just so you don't think I'm an wicked SM. SD wants to come over to our house that weekend but it's not her weekend. Yes, I wanted to have a quiet evening at home. My bio will prolly not even be home, most likely she will be out with her friends or her BF. It's just that with my DH late hours, I treasure every moment he and I get to spend time together and since it wasn't SD weekend, I felt that she should stick to the schedule.

Hope you don't think I'm an evil person but.....

raggedyann1973's picture

I have been dealing with SD issues for 12 years and finally found a place to let it all out. So some posts might have happened a while ago but still linger on my mind. Here's another...what do you think.....step daughter was 13 at the time, now 14 and she had the flu so she couldn't come over on her weekend so instead dad went to her house for about 30 mins on day the following week. We have 2 cats...SD wanted dad to bring over one of the cats for her to play with bc she said it made her feel better.

you opinion is needed about bio not SD **UPDATE**

raggedyann1973's picture

My bio daughter (17 yrs old) and her friend got busted for shoplifting. Long story short, we went to intake worker instead of going to juvie court and daughter has weekly sessions with girls her own age along with a probation officer and a college professor. I make it my responsibility to take my daughter to and from her appointment each week.
