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what is the last straw for you...

QUINJAI3's picture

i know each of us all have our own limits and pet annoyences be it with our partners, our friends and family, our children, our step children and then external people but what are some of the things you simply can not stand be it bad language you know like the f word, or is it being rude, ignoring another, trashing bed rooms, cutting you off in lines at the store...
lets have it out what really gets you going and how do you try to cope when its been done?

i'll start some of my pet pevs are:

being ignored when speaking to a person, they either make faces or continue doing what they want to do with no acknowledgement of what your saying, i find when this happens for like the millenth time that day i really need to just walk away and have space.

another one is physically annoying someone like kicking the backs of seats while driving or pulling hair, again i need space and quick my step daughter has a horrible habbit of puting her feet on you while sitting on the couch and when asked to step she usually then lies on you but not with her feet.


luvdagirl's picture

Okay this is the biggest-self wallowing- CAN'T STAND IT-no I don't mean complainig I mean full grown people who could have the answer to the problem in front of them and whine to no end to someone behind them about it. Pitty parties are ocassionally needed but as with all good things it must end(some caseshave lasted for years w/BM).
Lack of common sense-we all know someone with this problem.
people who have no sense of personal space- the two foot rule
Those are the big ones

patient but frustrated's picture

ok....being disrespected in my own home...SPINELESS men...the What's for dinner dilemma that seems to go on every stinking day..and the "whatever" response. I would rather hear the F word right now than one more "whatever" about serious issues...

.....psycho ex's suck....

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

such as being ignored, treated disrespectfully, being lied to outright or by ommission,and a person who can't look me in my eye when speaking to me,and it is never advisable to get up in my face while screaming or yelling at me( never invade my personal space with hostility) but my biggest pet peeve is dealing with a person who is unable to or just outright refuses to take responsibility for their words or actions. Beyond those big one's there are the smaller one's like toliet seats and lids being left up, chewing with mouth's open(yuk), not cleaning up after yourself when your old enough and capable enough to do so, dirty fingernails, not washing hands after restroom use, not washing hands before eating, and for all the love I have for southerners as I am one myself, there is nothing I hate more than seeing an adult or child walk into a public restroom barefoot....ewwwwww.

patient but frustrated's picture

oooooo I forgot that one S.Graham39!!!! Lying and not looking me in the eye during a conversation..(LOL What is on the floor that is so interesting to stare at when the water bill disconnect notice is up here on the table????)

.....psycho ex's suck....

gertrude's picture

But, really, I can't do that. I am pregnant you know. I am tired. I can't do that. I could work, but I am so tired. I can't take that job, but it would interfere with school (not enrolled, doesn't start for three months.) I could pay my insurance, but I'm allowed to drive without it, so why bother? I could eat that, but it has been in the refridgerator for two days. I could use that old mixer, but I need a new hand held one. The cat could sleep downstairs, but she likes to sleep with me (baby on the way!!!) I could stay home, but I had to go to Target. I could mop the floor, but the mop isn't good enough. I could go to school to be a teacher, but they don't make enough money (so I'll continue to be a bank teller...). But, but, but, but, but, but...

(and quite whining!)

(oh yeah - sorry - that would be my pet peeve, the BUT BS that follows EVERY discussion!)

evilsm's picture

Lying is a deal breaker for me. I don't know how anyone can be expected to have a relationship with someone that lies and sneaks around. I have talked to SD about this countless times, how you have to be able to trust someone etc. Went in one ear and out the other.


Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall.

Sebbie's picture

Lovers do not finally meet somewhere, they were with each other all along.

Lying is the one thing that will turn me from your best friend to your worst enemy in no time flat. I believe 100% that without trust you have no building block, no foundation for any type of personal relationship. As I stated in my previous post, lying by ommission would be included as a deal breaker as well for me.

QUINJAI3's picture

i think that most of what has been said is very much the issues we face in blended families. and it makes it all that much worse when it is these things that tip one over the edge.

i too hate pettiness above most, you he said she said drama where each party feels the need to get back at the other one purely to have the last word ( or attck depending on issue at hand) i hate adults being petty children have the chance to out grow it but adults oh it gets me so friggin' mad...

i also have little pet pevs. like chewing with mouth open, not picking up after ones self, and a few more that are just annoying more then anything.

OldTimer's picture

Yep, whiners would be one...
my husband can really be a pet peeve at times.... Wink

Wink StepMom

Man has the intelligence to change his life,
Sometimes, he just fails to use it...