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i just don't understand....

QUINJAI3's picture

well guys it's the end of our weekend access and let me tell you i'm on the verge of tears yet again. i never thought i could hate this woman any more then i already do but guess what i do, i'm just so angry at this absolute cow....

if you've read my previous blogs you would know that we had some drama on friday about bm returning sd items to our house and then on saturday sd asked about joining tap and jazz.

well saturday we emailed bm with a terms and conditions list of enroling sd into the dance classes and text to to make sure she read it prior to pick up tonight.

well pick up time came around and we had showered sd and put her back into her clothes she came in ( washed and dried) and had fed her, hubby went to the door with sd and mentioned the dance email bm's responce was " sd asked if she could do tap as her half brother was i said i don't know" nothing else yet sd had told us bm told her to talk to us about it. i think is we had said we would do it cover all cost etc and she not have to commite anytime to it she would have been okay but seeing we proposed a shared arrangement for the dancing it was ignored. sd was crushed.

hubby also brought up our reply to bms bull s*#t text friday night " for arrguments sake i'll forget about all the items returned damaged, stained and runied to my house" direct quote from bm, hubby stated that if anything had been returned damaged or runied or not returned she should have contacted us straight away and made arrangments for it to be fixed, all he got was a grunt and she walked away didn't even let sd say goodbye. bm has never onced inquired about unreturned items nor has she rang, text or emailed about damaged items, yet every friday night we have to ring her and text as she never answers the phone when we ring ( to bad if it was an emergency) to ask her of items where abouts and of damage done to our items.

but of both these things the thing that make me most sick and angry is the fact that for sd 6th birthday her f#^king bm gave her second hand shoes in a plastic bag! sd told us this on friday night when we asked about the dirty shoes she had on and then to confirm that it wasn't one of her stories we asked agin where she got the shoes when we put them on her tonight and she told us " bm and bm's bf gave them to me on my birthday" which for those who don't know was only 3 weeks ago these shoes looked at least a year old, so i asked " did they wrap them up" sd " no just in the bag". i tell you all i nearly cried as i planned sd birthday weekend for nearly a month organizing who can come on which day ( the saturday or sunday) what cake or snackies for who also organized a list of presents so when people asked we could tell them the things she wanted, all to find out her own bloody mother didn't do a party for her she had cake at school and her grandmother organized a dinner on the day but her own mother gave her second hand she's and no party.

i hate that once again th bm has full custody of this child yet doesn't give a damn that sd exsists yet doesn't want us to raise her so just keeps her and treats her like s*#t. i so friggin' angry right now i feel like something is going to pop.

our plans for sd dancing are a no go, her bm is a toe rag and sd couldn't even have a desent birthday. oh i hate this woman and we are documenting everything all passing comments all texts emails anything and we are taking photos of the way in which sd is presented to us and the way in which she leaves....


anna's picture

but I do want to warn you. I to have a SD9, since she was 3mths old. I used to do alot of things like this for her and got wrapped up in this stuff, too! I have been told I am an awesome SM and I used to pride myself on it!! I used to worry alot about her to growing up because her BM could care less about her to, baths not for days etc... but, I've learned the hard way that these girls even though you are doing all this stuff for her now and she loves you and loves what you are doing, will turn on you in an instant!!!! You need to be prepared for it. All you need in the mix is court and a BM who wants to win so she'll make your SD lie against you! So I guess what I'm saying is, yes it's nice that you're worrying about little things right now, like shoes and baths, wait until GIGANTIC things come, to worry about like court and you're SD being put in the middle of things! Just so the stupid b#@^h can win!!!!! You need to remind yourself that you aren't her mother, "just a legal stranger" and not worry so much about her now. Because no matter how hard you try she will have ALOT more heartache in the future from her BM than just not being able to do tap lessons, and there's nothing you can do to stop that or sheild her! Just when she comes clean her up, enjoy her, don't worry about the stupid clothes, because they are all replacble and next time only send cheap clothes with her mother. Then you're not worrying about something trivial. Because I can already foresee bigger worries in your future. I guess this is a letter I would have wrote to myself many years ago! It's just advice but, believe me, through experience, I know it to be true!!!


Catch22's picture

but it's nice that you care for her and want her to have a happy stable life. Just keep recording all the incidents and gather as much proof as you can. It must be hard for SD to feel one way about you and have to say another to stay true to her mum. But as long as you don't put her in the same situation with you as her mum puts her in, she will soon be old enough to work it out. Make her time with you a time when she can have a nice relaxed weekend without the pressure of picking favorites and being forced to lie. Good luck!

Catch xx
*Mean People Suck*