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QueenBeau's Blog

O/t - I'm good, I'm good

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Saw a lactation consultant today. First of all, she let me know my left nipple is flat. Who knew? Which is why the latch sucks on that side. She showed me a few tricks and gaave me this suction thing to draw it out, & some protectors to put in my bra so nothing rubbed them. & some all purpose nipple ointment to use 4 times a day. I've used it once today, & the last 3 times I nursed on that side I had no pain. I feel like a new woman I could just cry I'm so happy. I was literally crying in the shower like please God help me earlier today.

O/T Nursing & baby blues

QueenBeau's picture

So DS hit 1 week old yesterday.

Breast feeding was going good, considering. I mean sore nipples, but he is gaining weight and has a good latch and all that. Until yesterday. I got what I thinnk was a milk bleb on my left nipple. Ugh. I finally got the like dried up milk out of it today just from DS nursing on it. It hurt so bad. The pain is now subsiding. I'm still on Ibuprofen from my c section so that helps when I do take it. But yesterday I wanted to cry. I already don't lathc as good on that side for God knows why. This didnt help.

O/T - yes, I'm still pregnant

QueenBeau's picture

Today alone, 7 people (yes I counted) have asked me stupid shit like "you're still here?!" "Still haven't had that baby yet?" "You look ready to pop!" "Omg you've gotten even bigger"

I have answered those stupid comments with
"no, I'm not."
"I had the baby 2 weeks ago"
"What do you mean? I had the baby already"
"Thanks, you too"

& then walking away.

People are so ignorant. I haven't even hit my due date yet. What makes you think every trip to the bathroom or break room, I want to hear your rude comments.

O/T - cranky pregnant woman

QueenBeau's picture

I'm over being pregnant. Not because I'm waddling around, not because my skin feels like it could rip at any moment. Not because I have uncomfortable braxton hicks like every single night. Because of people around me.

I get to work & can't make it 5 mins before i get the question of the day - "How are you feeling???" "That baby isn't here yet??!" (I'm only 38 weeks, so no, he isn't). "When's your next doctors appointment?" "When's your due date again?" "You guys have everything ready?"