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If I could save time in a bottle... I'd chuck it at dh's head!!

princessmofo's picture

Time has been marching on and if you've been following the latest drama in the Mofo house, you will know we've come down to a battle of wills. Summer school/camp paperwork has been filled out. I expressly told dh to drop it off and get ss enrolled as I would not be providing "free" childcare while my bios are at camp all summer.

Paperwork disappeared last week off the desk. Joy! But oh, no... Hold on, Mofo. You know better than that.

What did I discover in the console of dh's truck when I went to look for a tissue while he was getting gas, the motherf*cking paperwork. Cleverly hidden, face down mind you, in the armrest console.

I said nothing.

And why?

Because at this point it's a battle of wills for me. I want to see just how far this game of cat and mouse is going to go. This really is a hill for me to die on. I am not going to prompt dh anymore. If he can't abide by my wishes and what's best for everyone, than fuck him. I know why he hasn't done it. He figures if he stalls long enough, he'll miss the cut off and I will have no choice but watch ss.

Again, this isn't about ss. He's a good kid overall and behaves for me. And under normal circumstances I would happily watch him. But this is about principle. He's afraid if he makes a unilateral decision about ss's "childcare" (on HIS time to which the CO says he's entitled)that twat waffle will huff and puff and blow his house of cards down.

So it comes down to the old law of the "blended family jungle" again. Who would your dh rather piss off? You or his revolting ex-wife? In my case it's clear...


NoWireCoatHangarsEVER's picture

I hope you have plans already made for the first day of no school. If not come drive down to Florida. We can go to Disney. Or the beach. Leave really early that morning so he as to scramble.

princessmofo's picture

That would be awesome. The best part would be the baffled expression on dh's face as I pulled away. Wink

princessmofo's picture

I've already got a plan B. I spoke to my manager and she will schedule me to work on my "normal" days off for the month of June (fyi she's a stepmom too so she gets it) and then he'll be shit out of luck. Not my monkey, not my circus.

dood's picture

Hang in there Mofo...Geeze - I'd be beyond furious!

So all of this said, what will DH do, you think?