Farewell sweet prince, and a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest. . . My most beloved Pomeranian was put down yesterday. . .
Hello fellow step-talkers. Yesterday I was faced with the harsh reality of letting my most beloved friend and companion go. He was 14. Which is 98 in dog years. I have had this dog longer then I have had children. I had him longer then the duration of my first marriage. He was the one constant in my life. I loved him dearly. He was a delightful black ball off fur and attitude. It was disastrous. And the worst part is...DH could've given two shits about it. He happily skipped off to work yesterday morning. Not even asking if perhaps he should go in late, to lessen the burden of me having to drag my bios and my ss to the vet with me! Nope. His ass went to work. Fortunately my vet (and family friend) has a wonderful staff that kept the kiddos entertained while I dealt with the hard task. My DH was not there to console me. No, in actuality my vet held me as I wept without control seeing the last remnants of life leave me little companion. I actually think DH was happy about it. He never bonded with my little dog. And as he got older he lost some of his faculties. But that happens, and I never punished him for it. I simply bought a carpet shampooer like a good doggie mama and sucked it up, so to speak. DH would complain about everything! The shedding, where he pooped in the yard, his bark. You name it, DH found fault in it. But DH had his priority in order, when he asked yesterday at lunch time to pick him up something, as he "forgot" to bring his lunch, and drive two town over to deliver it. And when I said no, it was too much for me today. He pouted. Well played, DH...well played. He actually even criticized me for spending money to cremate the dog! He couldn't understand why I would do that? Seriously. If only we could "put down" people...FML.
- princessmofo's blog
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I'm so sorry I have tears in
I'm so sorry
I have tears in my eyes reading this. I would be heart broken if something happened to my baby boy (my dog).
Your DH is an insensitive ass. I will grieve with you.
Mofo, sorry to hear that.
Mofo, sorry to hear that.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
I'm so sorry honey! That has
I'm so sorry honey! That has to be so rough for you. Hugs from Denver. <3
I am so sorry for your loss.
I am so sorry for your loss. People who have never had the pleasure of an animal companion cannot begin to realize what a huge part of the family they become.
I contrast your DH's ass-a-holic behavior with the behavior of my DH. Last spring, a little over a year ago, I was struggling with the decision whether or not to put down my old Sheltie, whom I had before I ever met DH. I just couldn't make the choice. He was still walking around, if stiffly. He just didn't seem very happy and couldn't hear or see very well anymore.
A good friend told me to ask Rascal what he wanted. I did. I told him how much I loved him and how hard it was for me to make that decision. I asked him to give me a sign of what I should do.
The next morning, I found him dead. His last act of love for me was to take the decision out of my hands.
My DH had already left for work. As soon as I notified him of Rascal's passing, he rushed home to be with me and for us to bury him together. It was so much easier with my DH's support to get through that hard time...
My dog is literally my
My dog is literally my bestie. I am SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry hon.
Thanks everyone for the kind
Thanks everyone for the kind words.
Oh and let me just add that
Oh and let me just add that dh just had the nerve to call me and make sure "that ss do 15 minutes of reading today, and be sure to write it down, princess." Really, fuckwad? Oh, he also mentioned he's "out of deodorant" so I need to stop somewhere. I want to run his fucking head through a wall right now!! My bios are in summer school thru the month, but I have all the responsibility of watching ss all summer, on my days off. I'm truly fucked off right now.
So sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. Hugs...
Aww, so sorry. I've put down
Aww, so sorry. I've put down two of my beloved dogs, and another died in my arms. Each one of these was the "best" in some way.
Your DH is an ass. Has he not had pets before? I know some people don't "get" it. Even if he didn't bond with the dog, he surely should have bonded with YOU and show some sympathy.
Sorry about the dog, but I'm sorry about the husband too. Grieving with you in solidarity.
I'm so sorry Princess. It's
I'm so sorry Princess. It's so difficult to lose our fur-babies. I know he's up in doggie heaven with my fur babies that have gone before him.....chasing butterflies and lazying around in the sunshine.
Sorry for your loss. I
Sorry for your loss. I recited this prayer for SS when his beloved Guinea Pig died. I'll type it here in the hopes you find some comfort.
"Blessed are the pets we hold dear to our hearts. May we obtain joy from our memory of them, as they obtained joy from us being their kind masters."
((((((((Princess)))))))). I'm
((((((((Princess)))))))). I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet fur baby. They really do get into our hearts, don't they? Mine are precious to me, too, so I totally get it. Your post brought tears to my eyes!
And here's a kick in the ass for your douchecopter of a husband!