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Creepy things BM has done. . .

princessmofo's picture

Just wondering if anyone else finds this "creepy" or is it just me? When my DH and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary his Ex called him and congratulated him. She also texted him. And she recorded a voice message from my ss wishing us a happy anniversary and sent it to us at 6 a.m. that morning while we were still sleeping. I found it unnerving to say the least and I wasn't the only one.

So that being said, has anyone had similar experiences? I would love to hear your creepiest stories. It's a boring ol' Tuesday so I felt like stirring it up. }:) Let me know what you got.


BSgoinon's picture

Let's see...

She tells SS that I am her best friend. While we do get along just fine, best friends is pushing it to say the very least.

She told me when DH and I got married that she was excited because now people will think we are sisters (same last name now). :sick:

I know EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING about her personal life. TMI... I suppose that is one of the "perks" of being her BFF.

She is apparently making me something for Christmas, she has asked me several times what my favorite colors are.

All sound like friendly harmless things... however, if you knew BM like I know BM (which is OBVIOUSLY very very well) you would understand that none of this is for pure fact that she enjoys my company... it's her way of keeping herself included in DH's life. My rule of thumb.... listen listen listen and talk as little as possible. She knows NOTHING about us, I know EVERYTHING about her.

BSgoinon's picture

Wait wait wait... I forgot to mention that she keeps her wedding album from her and DH's wedding... next to her bed, she keeps a home made, bound book of poems that she has written about DH over the past 20 years in her living room. She keeps TONS and TONS of photo albums filled with pictures of her and DH in her home. I am sure her BF LOVES that!

BSgoinon's picture

Yeah, you would never guess that they were only married for 6 months... and that was 8 years ago.

Frustr8d1's picture

I was totally creeped out when I was in the hospital and BM had SD send me a get-well card BEFORE I was even married to DH. BM wrote it because SD was too young at the time. Gross.

After we were married and we had SD full time, BM would mail Christmas presents to our house for DH's dad (my new FIL), and had cards attached "To Papa From SD." DH's dad lived 3,000 miles away--as if we would want to turn around and mail them to him! Later, we found out those presents were stolen from Target, which became one of the 3 felonies BM has been convicted for. lol

BSgoinon's picture

>>>NO ex is going to congratulate anyone honestly. Really

I would. Not to be arguementative with your post because I agree with all of it except that line.

My ex and I get along MUCH better now that we don't have to live together. He is a decent guy and I do hope that he marries and settles down with someone who loves him the way I couldn't one day. We are both at fault for the failure of our marriage and we have both come to terms and recognize that fact. We brought out the worst in each other.

He is dating a nice girl right now that has a couple of kids. 3 I think. I truly hope this is the one for him. She seems good for him, she loves our girls and she makes them (my girls included) happy.

Maybe I am the exception... I also don't consider myself to be a "crazy BM" either. I don't collect child support (by choice, never asked for it) I don't cause problems, I let him be the parent in his house and he lets me be the parent in mine. If something arises, and we need to switch things up as far as custody days, we talk about it and make it work.

BSgoinon's picture

No way... that is WAY overstepping even the "friendliest" of boundaries.

Still Have Hope's picture

BM sent DH and I a wine gift basket of goodies for our first anniversary. It was delivered to our house so she never touched it. I still threw the thing away. Still gives me the skeevies to think about it 16 years later.

SanAntonioSoccerMom's picture

Just this past June the morning after YSS graduated from High School...BM somehow got into my gated neighborhood at 7:30 am on a Saturday morning and took photos with her, her daugther, and her dad in front of my home. My SS was NOT in the pictures, in fact my SS was not even home. I heard noises and thought it was my pool guys (we were putting a pool in at the time) so I looked outside and saw them on the street. I went to get my husband and he just shrugged his shoulders and brushed it off.

unsure99's picture

That is really crazy. Why would she want pictures in front of your house? I would have called the police.

BSgoinon's picture

Seriously? That is just strange. Never got an explanation on that one huh?

xtina's picture

When my son's dad and I were together and I was pregnant, his other kids' mom stalked my BROTHER's FB page until she got an idea of the area of town we lived in, then drove around til she saw one of our cars. Then she waited for me to leave for work one night then called my BF and said "im in your apartment parking lot" and when he didn't believe her, she said "Your pregnant GF looked nice wearing her (whatever i was wearing)". When he asked how she found out where we lived, she told him all this. She was a fucking psychopath. Apparently she wanted to say goodbye because she was moving to Vegas with their kids.

attempting_to_maintain_composure's picture

Thankfully, GUBM's creep factor towards me (directly) was short lived. But, she's spread the creepiness around for all to share.

She's convinced that she set SO and I up together. She's told my friend (who used to be her BFF) all about how she hand-picked me for SO, helped him plan our date, picked out what he would wear, all that jazz.

She's also told this same friend that SO won't let her be friends with me because all she really wants is to just be my friend.

She's tried getting me presents for birthdays and stuff, but, thankfully, SO put a hard stop to that in our first year of our relationship. He told her it was creepy. She didn't know why. Perhaps this is where she gets the idea that SO won't let us be friends? Not like I want to be her friend ha.

She's barged in on me in the bathroom at the first place we lived in. Thankfully, I was just straightening my hair at the time. But, no knocking or anything. Just walked straight into the bathroom. Then asked me to help her pin her bra straps because one of them had snapped. Uhhh...

When SO's middle niece gave birth to her child, GUBM showed up at the hospital to see her and the baby. Yet, nobody told GUBM or SD that the baby had been born.

She has religiously texted SO on every major holiday since we've been together to wish US a happy day together.

And she tried the "happy anniversary" nonsense on our first year anniversary, but, SO told her to knock it off. So, that stopped too, thankfully.