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My Pissed-Offness Continued

princessandthepee's picture

The word mutherfucker is a good word. It hits an essence of expression of something raw and direct. What else is all this shit?

By definition to him, I am a horrid thing, a stepmother. His own mother, which is how I stabbed him, is a gnarled bitter, twisted thing. He has issues with women, he always will, and I understand that.

To go through my room, rummaging through our personal things in search of money and things of value to him, is more than I can bear.

I told him he is his mother's son through and through. I told him he could try a million years and never amount to even half of what his father is. I told hinm how my spouse, his father, treated and understood his own father. It was a mistake. I hurt pee, and my husband is angry with me. He mother is satan in his eyes. I hit below the belt, I said the most hurtful thing to pee. I told him he is her son through and through.

It was incredibly damaging and hurtful, I knew it would be before I did it. And I did it, just the same. My husband can only look at me and begin to wonder if the problem is me. I am the true best thing to account for the distance between him and his daughter, and now he worries I have and will do the same with his son.

While I was at work tonight after being reamed by my ex again, my spoise talked with pee and gave pee his car back after six days of defiance following the discovery of pee's theft from us. Pee has never apologized to me, and I have not apologized to pee for my horrid text to him. I told him he could try a million years and never be half the man his father is. I told pee he is his mother's son through and through. I knew it was wrong.

My husband has been overall kind to me in the wake of me lighting a fire to burning coals. I told pee that if he hurts my husband again I will make him pay in a sincere way, and I told him I mean that.

My husband said to me, "We are the parents. What you did was wrong." I know he is right.

Going to send this before deletion.


Kes's picture

I think your intention is the important factor. If you said what you said to pee with the intention to hurt him, then yes, it probably was wrong. If it was to try and open his eyes to aspects of his character he needs to look at, then maybe not so much.

I had a bit of a similar incident with SD17 about a year ago, she eavesdropped on a conversation I had with DH where I said that she was just like her mother, both of them like to argue, and could start an argument in an empty room, amongst other critical comments. NPD BM was told, and ordered DH and I to apologise to SD. I said I wouldn't, because it was true, and maybe she needed to hear it.

princessandthepee's picture

My intent was communicate to pee that if he continues to do things that hurt his father, I'm going to ensure his life reflects his actions. That was wrong of me, it was immature of me. I was angry and I did not control myself. I should have taken a higher road with pee, been more adult.
So, I was in the wrong. And now, because I know I was wrong, I have to suck it up and apologize for my words. No more, no less.

princessandthepee's picture

I said what I did intentionally, only a little bit in the heat of the moment. But that was before I saw/met his mother. I will never, ever say one thing to him again about his mother. I am sorry he has the mother he does, but I will never bring her up again. The best I can do now, having seen and understood my husband's childrens' experiences of childhood and their experience of family is be much more tender than I have been. Jesus, she was awful.