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I feel like I am dealing with madness

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The new medication may have caused some issues last weekend but I actually think they are helping. Ss seems more mellow but I can't help feeling that they are just putting him in a daze. He does not look attentive at all. We are going to wait another week and see what his teachers say. If it gets worse, we have to go back to psychiatrist to get the medication adjusted. On the other hand, Thanksgiving was horrible. We went to my Dh's parents. His parents were quite awful to Ss.

My Dh's mother openly gave gifts to all the kids except him. She told him he was too old but she proceeded to give his cousin who is a few months older than him a gift. I talked to her about it and she said she did not know the cousin was that old.

Ok, fair enough. She did not give the other cousins who were older gifts as well. But they were in their 20s. I just just left it as a mistake. But then she hugged all of our kids except him. Ss may not like being hugged but he has never let her know that. So there was really no reason why she did that. Ss looked like he didn't care but I am sure he was hurt. Everyone thinks he has an attitude problem because no one knows what happened to him. They do not even know about the therapy, all at Ss's request. They think he is quiet and does not interact with the family because he is some sort of punk.Then Dh's father made a comment about when Ss was going to become a man and start shaving. This is a very sensitive topic because Ss will likely never be able to shave. I understand it was an innocent comment but Ss gave us the death glare to get him out of there. We agreed we won't be going back there for holidays for a while.

So we dealt with Ss's horrible mood after the dinner. And the next day my Dh had to take Ss to the new therapist. Of course, he was crying and refused to go. My Dh was forced to grab him and to get him in the car. We have had to do this before so it is not as bad as it sounds. But Ss has gotten bigger since then and he pushed my Dh. Dh fell square on his ass.

Then he says, right in front of Ss, to me, "I cannot do this anymore. I think we need to put him in a school". Ss looks shocked, starts crying harder and goes out and gets into the car on his own. I gave my Dh "the look" and walked away. He knows better. Especially after the therapist has said never to use the threat of sending him away. In short, Ss cried throughout the whole therapy session, refuses to talk to anyone, and my Dh feels extremely bad. He wanted to give the iphone after the therapy session but after yesterday, I told him he needed to stop making it look like he is trying to buy Ss's love. So Ss will get the iphone later, when things have settled down.

So much for a nice break. It has been very stressful to be honest. I hope everyone else has had a better thanksgiving.


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Hi Lucy. Ss has forbidden us from telling anyone so its a struggle. I feel guilty for getting mad at my Dh. You re right, he is very stressed out. He keeps it all bottled up and it comes out at the wrong time.