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Poop all over me

porcelian-doll's picture

Whyyyyyy DD whyyyy. I had to share. DH had just gotten done bathing DD. He has a bad back so he asked me to reach under the changing table for the diapers. He was holding her in his arms. I hear him yell oh no. I jump up and feel poop spilling on me. All over my hair and shirt. DH got it all over his arm. He just stood there in shock. I had to yell at him to lay DD down. SD came into the room and started laughing. She actually offered to clean DD off. Im laughing thinking about it. But in the moment i was mortified. Oh the joys of parenthood.


Jsmom's picture

My story is we were flying first class and I had BS over my shoulder burping him and he proceeded to throw up on the guy behind me all over his head and his suit. I have never seen flight attendants move so fast in my life. I was mortified for the rest of the trip. Still gives me a panic attack to think about it....

step off already's picture

I'm the BM to 4 kids and I can relate.

Recently DD14mo has developped car sicknes and she will puke in the car. (Yes, she's inherited all of DH's best and worst qualities). I'm not sure what's worse - applesauce/cheese/milk puke or baby poop. These days I lean toward the puke.