Biggest trouble makers on steptalk
I have only been here for a short time and I am a bit curious. Have there been any major trouble makers on steptalk. Like BMs pretending to be stepmoms. Outrages Stepmoms. Stories to crazy to be true. Heart breaking stories. Just wackos. And what happens if some crazy does come on steptalk do they get booted off? Just curios because the other day I saw a post about someone named -two angles- that was a nut job and wanted to hurt a disabled child. I don't know the whole story that was just what I was told. And it got me to wondering how many other crazies have been on steptalk. I just wanna laugh at them and get my focus off the nut jobs in my own life.
- porcelian-doll's blog
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Most recent one I know about
Most recent one I know about getting caught was californiadreamin who said her BM had attacked her and caused her to miscarry. Another famous one is Crew who said her stepchild had killed her dog. Most times the stories start becoming more and more drama filled until it becomes obvious they are a bunch of lies. Once it can be proven the posters are reported to the admins and get booted. These people have no lives.
I was still lurking at that
I was still lurking at that point, but wasn't she also the same poster that had the sd sexting?
Yep. I forget what the other
Yep. I forget what the other name was. They were caught because they had profile confusion lol
One lady kept having a
One lady kept having a crystal meth addicted son's girlfriend impregnated- then losing the baby the next day. This went on for weeks....
MommytoTwinAngels-OMG. I
MommytoTwinAngels-OMG. I never go "off" on someone, but she made me mad-me and many others. It was obvious she and her husband were trying to get custody of 4 year old twins, one of whom is severely disabled, to collect the benefits that come with the twins. Her husband was not even paying CS. The poor kids were born to her DH and his teen girlfriend, and girlfriend's parents are raising the kids. Someone was selling honey illegally, I think, and there was something about only seeing the kids at a Burger King. There were dead chihuahuas, too. It was insane, but when she bragged about her "legal option" to hit the kids-that was just horrible.
The sad thing is, I am dealing with adult skids, and I doubt people always believe me. They are their own Jerry Springer show. Sometimes, I cannot believe it. But, it is all true. OMG. I should write a book. I cannot believe my husband made these people, and I cannot believe BM does what she does. But, the skids-they are beyond a mess.
Dead chihuahuas? That's not
Dead chihuahuas? That's not okay at all! Poor babies
I know. They were supposedly
I know. They were supposedly breeding them or something. I cannot stand hearing about abused or sick animals. I have 2 rescues myself. Her story got worse by the minute.
I feel like crying. Why would
I feel like crying. Why would you want to abuse a 4 year old who is disabled. And did she kill the chihuahaus? please don't tell me she did. They never got custody of the disabled twins did they? I am getting teary eyed right now.
She wanted to know she had
She wanted to know she had the "right to hit the kids." Was very happy she did. :jawdrop: No, I think the grandparents of the kids were breeding the chihuahuas in bad conditions. They were going to the custody hearing last week.
ETA: she hated the grands, so maybe there were no chihuahuas.
I was about to say what kind
I was about to say what kind of person relishes in the death of puppies. I pray they did not get custody.
***reading my mind***
***reading my mind***
Mine as well...
Mine as well...
? huh?
? huh?
What are yall talking about?
What are yall talking about?
I remember some people from
I remember some people from iVillage came over here to start trouble. I remember MommyToTwinAngels. She is one of the wackiest posters I've come across during my time on this site.
Sometimes you never know.
Sometimes you never know. There are people that could think YOUR story is too out there to be true-you just learn to take everything with a grain of salt.
Usually the stories get crazier and crazier.
There are a few. Usually,
There are a few. Usually, they get "outed" eventually. Sometimes psycho BMs come here to stir trouble. And we've always got the members who like to point out a small detail and ignore the poster's ACTUAL issue and then harp on that small detail to start a mini-war.
There are a few posters from long ago who seemed too crazy (as in their stories) to be true but I personally know one of them who seemed to have the craziest story and IT WAS TRUE.
If you'll notice, the posters
If you'll notice, the posters Gudjen & unsure stepmom 27 are both gone now. (The one who was questioned about posting a blog as one & answering as the other.) She's also the one who posted about not getting the same gift as the other girls for Christmas.
She was questioned & now *poof*! They're both gone!
Wow, I just don't get that.
Wow, I just don't get that.
Whenever there is a phony
Whenever there is a phony step on here it makes me wish my skids were just imaginary also.
I'm confused (as usual ) so
I'm confused (as usual ) so mom to twin angels was making it all up? Or her story was real?
Did this thread get started by a shit starter? Lol.
I'm sorry to say I believe
I'm sorry to say I believe she is the real deal, just nuttier than a squirrel turd.
I believe the court date was a few weeks ago. I'm assuming they did not get custody of those kids, otherwise that bats**t crazy lady would have been on here crowing her victory and telling all of us to eff off.
That's rude of you.
That's rude of you.