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Being a pregnant SM sucks

porcelian-doll's picture

SD14 is around more because DH wants to play an active role in teaching her self respect and the more she is away from BM the less of a chance she will be out with boys. DH is still reeling about her getting arrested. The issue at hand is with her here its kind of hard to enjoy being pregnant. I'm tired of her saying ewwwwww you're really gonna eat that. And she likes to eat boiled eggs and make spinach ommlets. The smell makes me gag mabey its just me but the smell hits me like a tidal wave. I keep feeling groggy but I cant go to sleep because I'm on edge whenever she is around. I am only a little over 4 months so I know I have worse pregnancy symptoms to come and I shouldn't be complaining. I just made a grilled chicken breast sandwich stuffed with pickles and cranberry sauce YUM. I should probably take my plate and computer in my room before SD wakes up and gives me the eww you're eating that face again.


PrincessFiona's picture

I sympathize with you! I remember feeling that way all too well. When I was expecting my first we had a friend living with us who used to cook odd things in the morning. The smell made me sick. In fact the smell of everything made me sick! And I remember just wanting to be left alone to deal with my sickness and to enjoy my pregnancy (which was making me sick). Hang in there it will get better !

And eat what you want and what makes you happy ! Maybe enjoy that it grosses her out a bit ! Someday you will have your own 14yo telling you everything you do/wear/say is ewwwwwww. You'll look back and wonder why you cared what she thought of what you are eating.

Helena.Handbasket's picture

Ugh I hated meat. Just made me sick. When she makes a comment tell her that's rude. Better yet tell if she doesnt like it go in the other room. when she eats say the same thing to her eeeewe you going to eat that?

Why we feel like we are supposed to be polite when they are not, is beyond me. Be sure dads not around when you get snarky with her. It works better that way.

RedWingsFan's picture

I'm sorry you're having to deal with her while you're pregnant.

Next time she says "ewwww, you're gonna eat that?" Just smile and say "If you say that to me one more time about any of my meals, I'll make YOU eat it too!" and walk away.