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Physics guy's Blog

Not so bad

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I have to say that in the 3 1/2 months since SS19 moved in he has grown a lot.  Maybe I should say matured.  He got a job at a convenience mart but he's only getting about 20 hrs a week so he applied for a warehouse job and goes for orientation today.  Fingers crossed that he will stay on the right track. I still have to get on him about being a little sloppy but we're trying to make the best of it all.  However, I'm still counting the days until July 1 by which time he needs to be on his own so his mom and I can resume our regular life.

Things could be worse.  

Too much to ask???

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SS19 got a part time job (5pm - 11pm) at local convenience store for 8 bucks an hour.  He works there 5 shifts a week.  I told him the goal was to be out and independent by July so I suggested he pick up another PT job during the day (as he just sits on the couch while DW and I are at work).  Well, he seems averse to this idea and thinks it's too much!  Meanwhile, I work 2 jobs, DW works job and cleans houses on the side.  We are trying to be role models but I feel like he is just being LAZY!  It's not like I'm telling him to work in the coal mines!  I just want him to pick up a few shifts

Stepdads out there?

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I am relatively new here and I get the sense that there are many stepmoms here with their unique problems bealing with DHs, skids and BMs.  As a reluctant stepdad with a 19y/o SS living under my roof, I was wondering if there were any other stepdads here and how they deal with DW, Biological fathers, financial strain, discipline, etc?  I am in no way trying to be sexist.  I was looking for a male perspective for my situation.



Work ethic = none

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So SS19 started his PT job and worked three 5-11pm shifts at convenience store.  Yesterday I came home from my job and he was brooding on the couch (phone in hand) claiming he was tired.  When asked what was wrong he said "I feel like all I do is sleep and work."  Well, apart from 8 hours on his phone, I guess he's right! LOL!  Mind you his mother and I both work 2 jobs as well as maintain a household.  I lost it!  I said "What the eff do you think being an adult is???

Skids and dating

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Does anyone else here have a situation like this?  SS19 seems to have zero interest in dating or relationships.  I may be old, but when I was 19 all I could think about was girls.  I wouldn't care if SS was straight or gay... it just seems odd that he would rather be phone surfing than developing relationships (physical/emotional).

New and trying to cope

Physics guy's picture

Hi everyone.  Brand new here so bear with me if I make some mistakes on the abbrvriations.  I have been married 51 weeks.  First aniversary is next weekend.  DW has two kids from previous marriage.  I never had kids and spent my entire adult life either alone or living with one other person (my ex-)  Anyway, SS (19yrs old almost 20) was living out of state and couldn't get his crap together with a job and living arrangements after months of telling us how things were "working out"   Long story short, about a week before Christmas, SS needs to move back home (after spending all his savings).