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Thanksgiving Dinner Politics OOOPS

Pecanflower's picture

In my family of birth; I am the odd duck; always have been. My Momma (rest her soul) used to laugh and say that she thought I would be a Senator one day; unfortunately, it would be for the wrong party.

Well, yesterday for Thanksgiving; my sister decided to spend it with her Hubby's family. So; it was just DH, SS14, My step-Daddy, and Myself.

We had a really good time. SS14 was asking Grammpa all sorts of questions about me when I was young. I had to tell him that I didn't meet Daddy until I was an adult; as he married Gramma when I was already out of the house; but he has been my Daddy for many many many years and has been there for me whenever I needed him. Daddy may be my Step Daddy...but he IS my Daddy. While I call my bio dad whom I have seen three times in 30 years Pops.

SS14 said..."So Grammpa is to you like you are to me?" Yep.

But then....but then....

Daddy somehow got to talking about politics and said "Our Man Won!"

SS14 says, "Grammpa! Are you NUTS? He's Evil!"

OOOPS. Time to change the subject REAL QUICK.

I have told him SO MANY TIMES that Politics is NOT a topic for public conversation. But that it is okay to talk politics with family, meaning me and his dad. I forgot to mention that his Grammpa; and aunts and uncles don't necessarily have the open minds to discuss; debate and argue without getting ummm upset.

I post this NOT to get into a debate about who was wrong or right yesterday; just to show that my Step Dad and Step Son were opposite ends of a political discussion. I'm in the middle. And all I did was change the subject to something safe. The fact that my sister's son just got a ticket for going 90 in a 45.

Thank Heavens for lead footed nephews! Whew!


Pecanflower's picture

That was part of the reason for the very quick conversation change. We are still working on teaching him on how NOT TO BE A NAME CALLER when arguing and debating. One of the things you may not know about me is I happen to be a very diplomatic person who excels in debating. Emotions don't belong in a debate. However, my SS14 has a high functioning form of autism and is about 4 years behind in emotional maturity. Emotional slip ups happen. He DID get raked over the coals for the disrespect in the comment. I can only hope he learns from my example.

We don't discuss politics in public because, quite frankly, regardless of the side you are on it can be very dangerous.