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Possibility of Adopting the SS12

Pecanflower's picture

I was so floored by this news yesterday that I didn't elaborate on the issues that caused me to be so flummoxed.

1. BM is a huge hypochondriac.

As a matter of fact, it's so bad that when DH was married to her, the emergency room had classified her as a frequent flyer.

2. We recently sent BM legal documentation that we didn't want her sex-offender convicted and registered boyfriend anywhere around SS12.

3. She did not send SS12 a Christmas gift or card.

4. She rarely calls SS12.

5. She lives over 1000 miles away.

6. DH has full custody of SS12.

7. BM pays no support because she is "on disability."

8. SS12 is autistic, high functioning, and has had a lot of mental illness issues to deal with in the past 2 years but is finally coming through like a trooper!

9. I have been the mother figure to SS12 since he was 8.

10. If something happens to DH (who has MS and Autism and a brain injury), as it stands now, SS12 would legally be required to live with BM.

11. I will be damned if that happens.

So that's why if she wants to sign over her rights to him, cancer or not, I am all for it. SS12 has had a hell of a life, between her leaving them in the middle of the night, to her public suicide attempts, to her leaving again in the middle of the night, to her constant drama. With me, I try to keep it totally drama free. I am his disciplinarian and his Momma.
DH says I give him the right amount of strictness and affection. I try to be a good Momma. It's not easy. But I do. And I love that little, noisy, fit throwing, minecraft playing, hyperactive, bipolar (thankfully under control), silly little monkey.


just_tired's picture

I am wanting to do step parent adoption myself, because BM is currently in jail and is looking at 1 to 5 years. If something happens to my DH, God forbid, I want to make sure the kids stay with me. Wish I could get crazy to sign them over.

momandmore's picture

Have you looked into becoming temporary legal guardian in case something should happen to DH? That way the kids would still stay with you.

Pecanflower's picture

In the four years I have been with DH and SS12 these are the times she saw him:

1. At McDonalds in order to meet me and decide if I was acceptable to parent him.
2. At another McDonalds as she was driving through somewhere and wanted to buy him lunch.
3. Came to visit us two years ago... Stayed in my house...on my couch...Never again.
4. Took him for a half a day when we drove to Nebraska to visit family.

That is it.

Ninji's picture

She doesn't pay CS because she is on disability? Must be state to state. I know a guy that is legally blind and gets disability. His EX got part of it for CS until his kid aged out.

momandmore's picture

DH doesn't get CS due to BM being on disability either. It depends on the state is what he was told.