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DH laid out on couch resting...again

Pecanflower's picture

I just called the house to check in and make sure it was still standing. SS11 is at home from school today for MLK JR Day.

DH said SS was doing okay...not stellar...not bad...just okay. And he said DH was laying down on the couch. Inwardly I groaned. If he is laid out on the couch after "hitting a wall," from cleaning or whatever, that means that dinner will be frozen pizza tonight. Not that I don't like frozen pizza.

I guess I am just frustrated because this week I am at work at 5:30 and leave at 5 at the earliest (with no real breaks...I have to eat lunch while working). Plus there are the errands to run for my Momma (who is in in-home hospice now for lung cancer). I don't expect a gourmet meal when I get home (especially since DH really isn't that good of a cook), but something a little more substantial than frozen pizza would be nice.

Oh well.

Have I mentioned how much I love this site. I am so happy to have found it.



ChaCha's picture

Just curious...have you talked to DH about the frustration of "handling it all"? I know from past experiences, DH gets real comfortable with me taking care of so much without breaking a sweat and that's my fault because I wouldn't say anything until I was burned out and then it just comes across as a bitch. But then I started giving him a heads up and saying something know that "dish" you make that the kids love so much...if you tell me what all you need from store, would you mind making that tomorrow night while I XYZ that way we both can relax together? Sometimes it takes a little more firmness but always seal it with a kiss. And ditto on the kudos to this site...I do believe it helps me just purge so many things from my mind.

Anon2009's picture

Is he getting any counseling/therapy? I apologize if I've asked this before. If he's not, maybe it would help.