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What is with these mothers?!?! SiL could he a bm on this board...

PeanutandSons's picture

My sil (dhs half sister) could put some of these crappy biomoms to shame. I just don't get how anyone could act like this.

She left the baby daddy of her two older girls last year. He kept custody of the girls and she took every other weekend....her choice. HE pays HER child support even though HE has the girls. Again, she came up with the deal. Shed rather the money over her kids.

She proceeded to go on a dating/ONS spree and ended up pregnant by a guy who has since fled the state to avoid a warrant but was picked up in another state for a different warrant when he ran back to his wife.

Sil is umemployed...has been for two years at least. She now lives with her parents. They moved to a bigger place last weekend. Sil gave her 2 month old son so her ex sister in law to watch while they moved. She gave the baby to her on Wednesday morning last week....they moved on Saturday....she still hasn't gone to get her newborn over a week that she hasn't had her baby with her for a one day move. Dh just spoke to the girls father and sil hasnt gone to see them in over three weeks. Again, wtf.

And everyone in the family thinks this is all just fine.that she's a great mom who "lives for her kids"

How do people just jot give a shit about their kids!?!


misSTEP's picture

I really don't know. I was a single mom from age 20. I would allow my son to go to my parents' house 200 miles away for a week or two during the summer and I cried almost everyday because I missed him so much. And I KNEW he was having a ball and getting spoilt from grandma and grandpa!

I don't know what these MOTY Golden Uterus types are thinking at ALL.

PeanutandSons's picture

Warrant... Sorry my phone autocorrected that....he had warrants for his arrest in multiple states.

bi's picture

my brother and his gf left my niece with my mom for a week when she was 6 months old to go to vegas. i was stunned and appalled. no vacation would be worth me leaving my infant for an entire week and being that far away from her. some people who have kids just don't have the natural instincts that they are supposed to. they remind of the german shepherd we had when i was a kid. she was a great dog and very protective of my brother and me, but she was a shitty mother. she had a litter of pups and only one survived because she refused to take care of them. the one that did survive, she would growl and nip at him when he was old enough to eat regular dog food because she didn't want him eating her food. we found a taker for him soon enough, but damn. for as good of a dog as she was, she had NO maternal instincts at all!