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Venting about this weekend......if i don t let it out i may self-combust

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I am doing my best to stay detached from the skid drama and stress. I think I am doing pretty good at staying calm and not showing how they get to me. But its building in me..... And I need to let it out, lol.

SD9: Another week of her claiming to have great days at school, and another Friday where her behavior report says otherwise. Lies to us everyday with no remorse. Even after Dh warned her that if she lies to us again about getting in trouble in school all week and comes home on Friday with a bad report again then she was losing tv for more than just the weekend, that her tv was gone. This kid lives for the tv, so youd think shed have either acted right in school, or atleast not lied about it. But true to form, she was a total brat in school all week,and lied to us about it everyday. So no tv for her for two weeks. Doubt it will teach her anything, but glad Dh is finally getting on her a bit.

Friday after school, Dh wanted the kids to clean up the front of the house. SD was to pick up the garbage that she spilled all over when she took the trash out, and they both were to sweep up the leaves that had blown in by the door. Dh was at work and I was put in charge of this project. SD picked up two pieces of garbage, then as soon as my back was turned to instruct SS on what he was to be doing... She stops doing the gargage and starts picking up twigs in the front yard. I redirect her to the garbage. Turn myback again and she picks up a rake and starts raking the leaves on the other end of the yard. Redirect her yet again. I go inside after 15 minutes to start dinner, and tell them to finish. They come in 5 minutes later and say they are done. I tell them that this is Dhs project and he will check it when he gets home and that they better be proud of their work and be ready to stand by it. It looked like total crap, leaves everywhere, trash everywhere, and the broom, takes, garbage bags, and leaf scooped left out in the driveway. Dh yelled but didn't make them finish.

On Sunday we went to visit Fil in the hospital. Walking through the parking lot he tells the kids to follow him as he turns to walk between two cars. SD walks two cars father down and then turns. BS3 comments that SD doesn't have her listening ears on. Dh asks me why does BS always seem to hung up on SD (hs comments a lot about how SD is mean, doesn't listen, is rude). I very nonchallantly say....well, he sees how SD acts when you aren't here, so that's probably why. "what does that mean (defensive)?" Well, I've told you a thousand times that she's out of control when you aren't here, and he sees all that. He sees how mean and rude and defiant she is. Even at three years old he knows its messed up.
How sad is that? The three yr old recognizes what an ass she is, but Dh is still for the most part in the dark.

While in the hospital room smil asks the kids how school was going. SS say good this week (this past week was his first week behavior wise) and she asks SD. SD gets this huge grin on her face and makes this rediculous facial its all a big joke. Mil laughs and goes oh my look at that face. I snapped, I know I should have stayed quiet, but I couldn't. "see, get that smile off you face, its not funny and its not cute. When your grandmother asks you a question, you answer it. (not yelling.but very very firm). She then says nothing, and no one makes her answer. When I was a kid,I would have died of embarassment to have to tell my grandma that I got in trouble. She thinks its so cute and funny. It's a big joke to her. I really.have no hope for her anymore.

SS10: He had his first good week at school this year. Very proud of him. But it was still an exceptionally trying weekend with him none the less. Since he wasn't punished in his room, he was out and up in my business all weekend. Still stuck in the house because of SD. He has add and has a lot of very trying behaviors.

1. He harps on things and will repeat himself over and over and over. BS tripped a little while playing, caught himself and went about his business without skipping a beat. " did you fall BS?...did you fall?....are you ok?.....did you fall BS?......BS, you fell? Aaagh, you saw him trip, you see he's fine, just shut up!! (in my head). Stuff like that 30 times a day. I have to bite my tongue to keep myself from telling him to just shut up.

2. He is very very immature for his age. He is almost 11, but he acts like a toddler. Contantly has his fingers in his.mouth. Picture a one year old getting on a couch. The walk up facing it, crawl onto it on their hands and knees, spin aroundand then put their legs out to sit, right? That's how SS gets on the couch still. He is 5 feet tall, 85 pounds and he still crawls on the couch to sit down. He got to excited about playing 'hide and seek' (hide behind the couch and say boo when you find him) that he was jumping, flailing his arms, stiff muscled and flutter breathing, uncontrollable grin (picture a three year old being told you were taking him to disneyland, and being so excited he could control himself). That's my SS at almost 11 year old.....about playing hide and seek in the living room. Every activity he is involved in goes from an appropriate energy level, to off the chain in about 30 seconds.

3. Absolutely retarded question that shouldn't need to be asked. Brought me a book during book time and asks me in the person in the picture was a man its woman. As I take the book from him to look, he continues with- I see that they have a beard and a mustache, but I wasn't sure." Really SS? Beard and mustache and you aren't sure if its a man or a woman?. "ss, who grows facial hair? A man or a woman?" "a man" "havebyou ever in your life seen a woman with a beard?" "no" "do women have to shave their faces or is that only the man" "only men" "ok, so this is obviously a man then right?" "Im just wanted to double check" why? Why does he feel the need to double check things that are plainly obvious? This happens probably ten times a day.....assinine questions that a two yr old shoulder be able to reason through.

Then dropping then off at daycare this morning before school. SS instantly asks the teacher if he can go play in HouseKeeping. Housekeeping is the kitchen set/ dress up center for the preschoolers. Now, I am all for equal play opportunities for both boys and girls. I have no problem with a boy playing house, or any other traditionally girl toy. But, shouldn't he be embarassed to be an 11 yr old boy playing dress up and house in front of his classmates. I know I would have been embarassed to play house in front friends at age 10 or 11, and I'm a girl.

Vent over.