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OT but need to get it out...

peaceofmind's picture

My DH has worked with his company for 10 years. He is also the General Manager. We they did a bunch of lay offs today… pretty much everyone. My DH was not laid off but he was demoted and took a huge pay cut today. A million different thoughts are going through my head right now. Our house, cars, SD, school, everything.

I am a full time student and have been able to go to school and not work. Well it looks like that is all going to change now. I am super upset. But school is not the least of my worries. Now I need to find a full time job. That’s fine. I can cut back on my class load. I’m not going to pretend I am not upset about this because I am. It’s going to take me longer to finish but whatever. We can deal with that. What about our house? We can’t lose our house! And cars!!! And then we also have SD12 in cheer and tumbling. For those of you that have kids in cheer and tumbling I am sure you know how expensive this can get. I’m not sure how we are going to be able to afford that.

My poor husband is sooo upset. I know he is going to beat himself up over this but there was nothing he could have done. I tried to tell him that when he called. He just kept saying sorry over and over. There is nothing for him to be sorry about. It’s the economy. I am not going to say what he does but of course his industry would be hit by the economy.

I just am sick to my stomach with worry right now…..


LizzieA's picture

So sorry to hear your news and it is a shocker when something like this happens. Many times over the past two years I felt like we were stripped down to nothing--but you know what, with love, faith and a sense of humor, you can get through anything. We're rooting for you and I for one pray daily that this mess turns around soon.

mom2five's picture

((hugs)) I'm so sorry. My neighbor down the street just told me a similar story yesterday. It seems to be happening all over everywhere.

Saying a prayer for your family, peaceofmind.

grayskies's picture

((hugs)) we went through this last year, so i know how incredibly difficult and scary it is. hang in there...

peaceofmind's picture

Thank you everyone soo much for the kind words and support. You guys are great! I know we can make it through this. I'm so glad I found this place. ((((hugs to you all))))

anita...sigh's picture

Yupp, I remember the 80's

One poster above mentioned completing your education and I strongly stress that, the sooner the better.

We lost everything in the 80's, we didn't starve, we had a roof over our head, etc. Best time to go back to school is when your broke. I did. By the time you are done schooling, the economy will be making a turn around and you will be ready with the necessary credientals.


I'm loosing my home that I bought on my own and had for 10 years! Sucks but ohhh well, the bank can have it.