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O.M.G. Could she possibly be any more inconsiderate?!

pastepmomof3's picture

OMG! So - 9:45PM SS finally arrives. :jawdrop: At the scheduled drop time (9PM), XW#2 calls DH and says she's just now leaving her activity that she just HAD to go to. WTF?!?!? Oh and get this - DH just tells SS that BM wants to pick him up early on Sunday so they can sit in front of her house and sell pictures that he draws. Are you freaking kidding me?! I can feel my cheeks flushing and ears burning! NOT ONLY does she drop him off late, but now she wants to pick him early too for, once again, something she wants to do? I am so sick of catering to this bitch.

OH and get this -- we try to add another line to our cell phone plan and when we call, we're denied because of an old account outstanding balance. So after 4 hours of back and forth with the cell phone carrier, it was finally decided that XW was calling in and acting like him while he was out of state for work for 3 months and ended up transferring the account into his name without his consent or knowledge for that matter (because by that time they were split and working on finalizing a divorce). What's even crazier is that she was making payments on this account, even when it went into collections, except for the little bit still outstanding. We were completely blindsided by this but now that I have every transaction detail of this account, it is clear to me that XW was being go to the extent to pretend you're someone you're not...that's a new (well old) low for XW that I've caught her in. DH has been telling me these stories ever since we got together so this just validates what he was saying for sure.

I cannot even describe how pissed I am right now. It's a good thing I was on the phone with the cell phone carrier because if I would've went outside to get SS, I would've ripped into XW for sure!!



pastepmomof3's picture

I can handle the occasional siuation that pops up but this has been on-going. Last visitation she was late dropping off and was bugging the hell out of DH for us to drop SS off early to her, only because we find out once we drop him off that she's trying to juggle all of her kids' activities and can't plan worth a damn,oh and by the way was late to the place we agreed to meet her at last minute.

I am beyond fed up with this. Inconsiderate, disrespectful and plain stupid sum her up nicely. I don't think she thinks it's someone else's mess to deal with (at least with her), I think she's trying to be supermom and everyone sees through her facade, to include her kids, except her. It's very frustrating.

caregiver1127's picture

I would stick with the court order if you have one or what was agreed upon - I would not give her any extra time on Sunday. It is DH's time and she needs to respect that much like she wants you to respect her time. I would also tell her if she can't start getting him to DH's on time on Fridays that you will be going to court to get an order.

zenjetset's picture

I agree with the others, go by the order. Stick to it and make BM stick to it too. It's there for a reason, mainly so people don't interfere with each others time with the children.

Also, I understand your pain on the cell phone situation. When me XH and I separated first thing I did was separate the cell phone account. Afterall, he used the cell phone mainly to call his 5 GF's. Yep, 5!!!! He had such shitty credit the cell provider made him put a 500$ deposit. He was pissed!!! When he told me about the deposit I made no comment at all whatsoever.

6 months later, I get MY phone bill and it has a balance owed of 780 something dollars on it! I immediately pulled the prior month bill and notice a Zero balance. I paid my bill off every month. I called the cell provider and told them there was a huge mistake. We went through the bill etc. trying to figure this out. The customer service person told me I have not paid my bill for over 6 months I said "WHAT?!!" This is how it all played out...

Zen: I have all my cancelled checks, I have your bills that say I paid, what the hell, obviously a major hickup in your system!!
Cell Provider: NO, we transferred those payments to the other account.
Zen: what other account?
CP: you had an other user on the account by the name of "Joe Doe"?
Zen: yeah, but I took him off the account 6 months ago.
CP: Looks like those payments were transferred to Joe Doe account.
Zen:"why" I have nothing to do with him anymore we are getting divorced!
CP: Sorry to hear that.
Zen: So what you are telling me is that all the money I have been paying for 6 months on my account was applied to his account?
CP: Yes
Zen: well that is a mistake, that should have never happened. How did that happen?
CP: Says here that Joe Doe called and said payments were being misapplied to his old account and he needed them transferred to his new account.
Zen: What the hell? and you did that? Well, that is wrong! You need to transfer all those payments back. I made those payments and they are for my account not his. That's why I took him off the account to begin with, because I was done paying his bills!! We are in the middle of a divorce!!
CP: sorry, I can't transfer the payments back. We can only do that once.
Zen: Really, well you won't be seeing another payment from me then.

I hung up and went online and got another phone, another number with another provider.

They chased me for a few years trying to get their money, but then stopped. I think they figured out they had made a huge mistake.

It's amazing the crap that ex's do and get away with.

pastepmomof3's picture

We are actually in the process of updating the current custody agreement because of this very reason. The current agreement says that all visitation is at her discretion. They've been relatively cordial but at the same time, this is becoming nonsense.

I think tomorrow will be interesting. DH called XW#2 to ask about intentions for fundraisers (he brought one for school last visit and brought 3 this week for dance (another LONG story)) and he was simply asking her if she was going to sell stuff for the school or for the dance (exact same fundraiser) and she said something about using one of the forms for the other or something...not sure. Anyays, she wound up hanging up on him. Its really strange because there was no yelling or anything - she just hung up. He called her back thinking his phone disconnected but she didn't answer and she hasn't tried calling back. So...i just wrote a check to the school directly and we'll see what happens. She will need to call back if she wants to discuss picking SS up tomorrow rather than us dropping off at which time DH will most likely tell her she can pound sand and we'll see her at 6. *crosses fingers*