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SS10's BM changes plans

Pantera's picture

So DH made BM a schedule in January that goes until the end of July. It basically said that she could have SS every Saturday from 1pm-to Sundays at 6pm (except for the last weekend of each month). BM picks him up for about 3 weeks and then all of a sudden she has to work on Saturday nights. We've been through this before. So DH tells her to make a schedule and she says she'll just take SS on Fridays at 5:30pm to Saturdays at 5:30pm. OK, no problem. So last week my Stepmother asks if I could watch my youngest sister while she takes my older younger sister to encampment for girl scouts. I said of course and planned a big camp out in our back yard. I thought it was such a fun idea and SS and my little sister were very excited. So BM calls SS last night and says she can not take him this weekend unless he comes over on Saturday. WTF? DH and I are pretty sure SS told BM about the plans we had, so after 4 months of taking him on Fridays, her work schedule out of no where switches her day to work on Friday. So SS10 gets pissed at me. Not bummed, I mean crying tears mad and went to bed without saying anything to DH or I. DH pulled him out of bed to ask what was wrong. SS was upset because he didn't want to go to his mom's because of the camp out and didn't want to go to the camp out because his Mom just got a new place and he could see his kittens again. I just told him that we would move the camp out to another day so that way he isn't missing anything (he still didn't seem pleased). He was still mad at me. Why is this my fault? DH told him that he needs to stop misdirecting his anger. SS didn't like that and went on to say he was upset about something that happened with a friend and wasn't upset about the situation with BM, and of course DH played right into it. I just don't get it. Why is everything always my fault? I really have disengaged but didn't want to leave him out of the camp out. Maybe I shouldn't do anything at all for the kid (even nice things).