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Father's day gift from BM...

overworkedmom's picture

Ok, I get that kids want to get something for their parents. I let my kids pick out something small to take for their father for this weekend. It is the right thing to do. I also know that his girlfriend will have something planned for him and will probably take the kids shopping as well.

The Incubator in all her glory has come up with a bunch of old pictures from back when she DH and SS were a "family" -- you know the whole 2 years that happened. And according to SS she is making MY husband a scrapbook of all of these pictures for fathers day. :sick: I am seriously pissed if it is true.

Here's the thing. I am always the one to get SS when he has is little supervised visitation with the skank and I think that I am going to look at it and see what it is exactly. If it is a bunch of that crap I am pretty sure I will walk up to her mother's front door (she lives there) and throw it in her face.


overworkedmom's picture

Thank you!! I thought I might be over-reacting but I am glad that I am not!! It really makes me sick to think that they were together ever and especially knowing that the only reason they were ever married is because she told him that she was going to have an abortion if he didn't marry her. She got knocked up on the 2nd date! Grrrr.....

purpledaisies's picture

That is not a present from the kid it is from bm. She made it not him and it was her idea not his. I'd be mad too.

Now I get it if the kids pick it out and so forth but thus just has bm all over it.

oldone's picture

We went to DH's family reunion and someone passed out CDs with old family pictures on them. Most were of the grandparents, aunt and uncles and some of the cousins as small children.

There was one of DH's whole family including spouses and children so about 15 people.

BM was in the picture sort of next to DH - they were not lined up it was a candid shot. Someone posted these on FB and tagged BM as one of the cousins - they don't even remember her.

I don't mine the picture being up at all. She was only 30 in the picture but is TWICE DH's size. The picture I've seen of her recently she literally looks like Buddha so she got even bigger.

overworkedmom's picture


RedWingsFan's picture

^^^I agree with Rising - that thing would disappear by flames right quick. Then again, I've been known to burn things I no longer need/want. Like my wedding dress from ex asshole and photos and such.

Guess I rubbed off a bit on my DD15, because she was busted burning love notes and an old t-shirt from an ex boyfriend in her driveway last year.

Oh gee, look at what I started!!! ;0

Stepbell's picture

I would be very upset too. This is very disrespectful if its her doing. I would make dh return it as inappropriate.

Unfreakingreal's picture

I would accidentally drop it out of the moving car on the freeway. OOPS.... Our stupid BumBitch truly intended on buying my DH boxers one Father's Day. I told him if his daughter showed up with boxers I was throwing them in the garbage.

LaMareOssa's picture

I would be pissed too! And I would throw it in her face! I hate that. SD11 has pictures in her and DD's room of DH, BM, and SD of when they were together for their 1 1/2 yrs. :sick:

Shook's picture

We got the BM Father's Day photo album years ago. I kept it for the skid because I knew what DH was going to do with it ultimately---he threw it in a bin for them to take when they get older. He wants NOTHING out in the open that reminds him of the ugly vengeful skank, so he put it in the kids trunk collecting dust. If skid puts it on the wall, it's a potential dart board.

It worked for me, I said "Oh look, doesn't she look exactly like Meg Ryan" & then we laugh hysterically.

myspoonistoobig's picture

Now I'm half wondering if it was a dick move to send BM a card I designed, with a photo of BM and SS that DH had taken while they were still married, for Mother's Day.

