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ex-SS is a mean little shit

overworkedmom's picture

So, stb exAHH is still sending his spawn to my kids before school program. Yesterday on the bus on the way to school SS starts running his mouth to my kids, telling them that AHH is taking me to court and I am going to jail for 5 years for "stealing his stuff". Then he tells them that his grampa (who adores my kids) is going to come kill us in our sleep because we left them and he used to be in the Army so he can find us.

AAAAARRRGGGHHH!!!! I was soooo LIVID. I called the program director and she scheduled a conference with AHH to explain that if it happens again SS will be kicked out.

Then I called stb ex-inlaws and asked them to talk to the kids. They just kept reassuring them that they still loved them and when they come to our state for Christmas they are going to come see us. They told them no matter what happened between mommmy and AHH, they are still the grandkids. It was so freaking sweet I cried. (This is AHH's smom and dad who AHH wasn't ever raised around)

After that I explained to my kids that I am not going to jail. I even told them that I talked to the police before I did anything to make sure that I followed all the rules- which it totally true! They seemed ok after it was all over.

I hate that kid so much. I wish they would kick that little shit out of the program now!


kathc's picture

Oh, it'll be the little shit tellign your kids that THEY are going to get kicked out because you tried getting him kicked out. And the second the little asshole opens his mouth make sure the director follows through and kicks his little lying ass to the curb.

GhostWhoCooksDinner's picture

In my DH's famous words from just last night, "Some kids are just evil little fucks." Biggrin