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Anyone ever missed mediation before the hearing?

overworkedmom's picture

My exH has taken me back and forth to court more times than I can count over the last 3 years. This was another attempt to lower his CS payment. I must be dyslexic and wrote down that it was on the 19th not 16th and missed mediation before the hearing. I have never done this before and am not sure what to do. I left a message at the mediators office. How much will this hurt me?


Justme54's picture

I never had children and my DH's kids were adults when we married. Try not to stress over it...shit happens. Just me on honest and tell them you made an error on noting the date. GOOD LUCK!

overworkedmom's picture

I am freaking out a little but at the same time this was what I was thinking. It is all kind of cut and dry when it comes to CS... why was there mediation in the first place?

theoutsider's picture

in our state, i dont know about yours,... but the mediation is madatory and a formality before the hearing. You can not get a hearing without having a mediation.
And in the past, the mediation has been a 5 minute: "Sir, you are asking for blah blah, correct?" "Yes" "Ma'am what are you asking for?" "I am not giving him anything he wants." "Ok, well then we are done here."
And they showed up in court.