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All Hell Broke Loose

overworkedmom's picture

It happened. We wound up in yet another fight this weekend. Of course it started out with SS's behavior and progressed. I have to say that I never knew that I had this level of bitch hiding inside of me. It's so great that my "husband" it the only person to ever be able to tap into that side of me....

Anyway I did tell him that I no longer wanted my children around his spawn or even him. I said that it is ludicrous to have to divide a family because some of the people just can't act like civilized human beings. I told him I was done and will be out of the house in a few weeks, I just have to get some things in order first.

This all happened 2-3 weeks too early!! I am really stressed about our lives for the next month. Last night was all about the silent treatment. I am expecting one of those phone calls today that he is so famous for, especially since I will have a crazy day at work anyway. UGGH! I need to find a house ASAP!!! It just royally sucks that the "good" school division is so freaking expensive to live in Sad


Annanymous's picture

My DH and I aren't speaking now because of borderline SD14. I love dh but think about moving out for four years. With toddler and third trimester of pregnancy with special needs pregnancy.

Sorry your stepson is causing g this. Its crazy isn't it? My nasty stepdaughter 14-year-old is about to cause me to move with two little babies and no job.

overworkedmom's picture

Right now it is about timing. I am moving back to my hometown county (about 15 mins away) to be closer to my family, work and my kids BD. I have to wait for school to end which is my biggest issue.

overworkedmom's picture

The issue is school zones in different counties. Right now my brother is staying in my mom's guest room since he is getting ready to leave the country for a year too... I am stuck for a month.