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The nerve of kids these days...

overit4tenyrs's picture

So DH and SD17 got into it last night about her moving out after her birthday. Initially DH was trying to work things out with her but SD refuses to improve. She has this woe is me attitude, she is always the vicitm etc. Anyhow, this morning SD's boyfriend decides to put a message to DH on his myspace page---You don't know anything about me, you don't know anything about your daughter, you sad excuse of a man"--- I was appalled that any teenager would think it was ok to be this disrespectful to an adult like that. I cant believe that SD is with a guy who thinks he can talk to her dad that way. So here is the dilemma...DH hasn't seen the post YET, I have half a nerve to delete the message without him knowing but I dont know if I should do that creating a worse problem. I want to call this boys parents but I don't know if it would do any good or just be worse because we let the little jerk know we saw it. THis boy just turned 18 but lives at home with his parents. What would you guys do?


Stepmomtogirls's picture

How old is this boy? Do you know his parents? How long has he been with SD17? Is she wanting to move out right after her bday?

I would defiantly let DH see the message, because he needs to know whats going on. But I have no advice for what you two should do about it. At 17 a kid is always going to think it's their way or the high way and they don't care who they offend.

fedupstepdad's picture

Yeah I agree with Stepmom...let the message be seen...but make sure the riffle and guns are locked up good before he sees it. Good Luck!

Angel72's picture

I would not erase it, i would let him see.
The bf is just defending his gf and at his age is not old enough to know dick squat.
I think dh should haul his daughter in front of the computer, get her to read it and then tell her this is how mature you really are, you get your bf to defend you and its on facebook? Now since i'm such a sad excuse of a man you can go live iwth said bf now. So pack your bags and get out. your adult now, ACt like one.

GiGi222's picture

I would let DH see it, let an 18 year old "man" be accountable for his actions. That is so disgusting IMO.

mommommom's picture

I would leave the message for DH to see. I don't know if calling the boys parents would do any good though. May drive SD to want to see him more and push the two closer together. If you make it out like it's no big deal then SD may not be so rebellious.

ChaiLatte's picture

I agree with letting him see the message. I don't see the point in calling his parents and complaining about what their 18 year old is saying on Facebook. What he said was rude, but his parents likely don't care that their child is rude. They raised him that way.

DoingItAgain's picture

What a little punk! Definately let DH see. He needs to decide how to handle it. I would take a copy of the page and then after DH sees, delete the comment... as Druzzilla said, no reason to air dirty laundry and your SD's poor choice of a BF. I'm sure your DH will be embarrassed by the message.

Hopefully someday she will be embarrased by this. I like Druzzilla's comment about telling her how disrespectful he is, that it's only a matter of time before he disrespects her. She's going to have to learn that the hard way, I'm sure.

For now, I would forbid the boy at your house due to his disrespect. If she chooses to see him, there's probably nothing you can do but I certainly wouldn't do anything to support her ability to see him.

No point in calling his parents... even if he was under 18, what are they gonna do?

overit4tenyrs's picture

Thank you guys, I won't keep this from DH. I can see how that would just make the problem worse. I will discuss this with him tonight while SD is at work (so he doesnt kill her) and then we can talk to her together when she gets home. We cant control what this hooligan does or what he posts. Its his website, not SD's so we cant delete it either.

Thanks for pointing out that we are trying to reason with a teen and there really is no point. They are not reasonable...DISENGAGE. No I can only hope that DH learns how to DISENGAGE...LOL

buttercup123's picture

Show DH the message and decide together what should be done about it. I'd be mad if you deleted it and I found out. You should operate as a team and work together on dealing with things...if possible. I like the idea of contacting his parents. Maybe they can help.