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Happy Birthday SD or NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

overit4tenyrs's picture

So Saturday is SD's 18th birthday and according to her the day she is going to tell us to shove it and move out. Unlike all the past ten birthdays I have purchased NOTHING, I havn't even bought her a card, I have planned no festive party and I won't be baking a cake. WHY you ask? I disengaged about 6 months ago and this is her dad's responsibility. I would like to see what he comes up with if anything. I am NOT reminding him either. Its his kids birthday and he needs to take care of it how he chooses. NOT MY PROBLEM. If anything I thought of giving her some empty boxes so she can pack Smile

He asked me what I have planned for the weekend and I just said what I was doing with my bio's. He told me it sounded like fun and he wanted to go too. I said sure!

P.S. Bet your ass I will be having my own celebration with my friend called White Zin Smile


Kiby's picture

Good luck. I hope for your sake, and likewise for mine - in a year and a half - that SD keeps her word and leaves.

JustAnotherSM's picture

I hope your SD drama truly ends with the 18th birthday. I like the idea of giving her empty boxes to pack her stuff, along with a message: don't let the door hit you on the way out!

stepoff's picture

Oh, I bet she'll change her tune pretty quickly, unless she has a friend that she can stay with. But don't fool yourself. The skid issues don't magically disappear with the onset of turning 18. They DO go on. It's just the CS that usually goes away.

Sara_Smile22's picture

My SD 17 used to woot woot all the time about turning 18 and we'd ask her what's the deal do you think that the skies open up and you become a superhero and all your problems are made right or what? She seemed to believe it's a magical day. I believe her father had her buffalo'd into thinking she couldn't leave beforehand...but lucky lucky me...she found out different from the police when she ran away from home two weeks ago. I didn't think she had anywhere to go either, but the thing is...these kids are so good at deception that they convince well-meaning people that you are an abusive a-hole and take them in rent free. We'll see, but honestly as simple as it sounds, if you hold your ground and they are determined to refuse soon as they have the means and feel that they can get away with it...they will bolt. Now the question long can they mooch off of these well-meaning suckers? I know my SD has no life skills to go it alone, but right now she's so determined to stick it to us that she's giving me exactly what I want...rid of her.