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over the games's Blog

Another Visitation taken

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Funny farm was supposed to let us have SS15 this weekend to make up DH weekend next week (they are going to florida next week). BM asked us to take him two weeks ago. Evidently she changed her mind because SS15 told DH last night him, SD19, and SS20 have to clean the ENTIRE house while BM and her fiance have their relaxation weekend so they can be relaxed before vacation.

Buckle up...

over the games's picture

:O I have been married to my husband for 6 months now. We were friends before we started dating and dated 6 months before we got married. My husband was married before and has 3 kids. His ExW HHHHHHHAAAAAAATTTTTTEEEEEESSSSSS me. She blames me for their divorce (he had left BEFORE we had ever talked about being more than friends. He had left her a few times prior but she smashed his stuff and turned my SK against him so he would go back). She is also not a huge fan of my husband. Go figure right? Well, she has done literally EVERYTHING to make the SK hate us.