text from BM to BF still coming and getting weirder
So on Sunday we (me and BF) rode our motorcycles all day and BM was having a birthday party for twin sd's that he had been invited to stop by. It was at a public place. His parents were there. BM's bf was there. So we stopped by, I waited on my bike while he went in to give cards, hugs, and such. Mind you he was doing her a favor by even letting her have them this day because it was his time to have them.
All was quiet til Monday around noon and then his phone lit up with text and they still havent stopped. Mostly about how much he hurt "the girls" by having me there. But then she started in on how she cant get over him and she loves him still and Her BF is getting tired of her not getting over him and "BF knows I would come back to you in a second flat!" Then she went on to say how if he would just let her have the kids and go away then she would leave him alone and quit texting him. (this was after he finally texted her back to say "leave me alone".
I know it doesnt sound like much, but seriously, these text started on Monday at noon and are still coming every 10 min or so ALL DAY from noon til about midnite, and they all say the same thing but just in different words each time. I am sooooo sick of it. And I know its wrong, but I actually am getting angry at BF for not blocking her flippin number!!!
- onebright1's blog
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Yeah, I'd be a bit ticked at
Yeah, I'd be a bit ticked at him for not blocking the number. At least he's sharing them with you, tho, so that's a start. What would happen if YOU texted her back, and asked her to please stop. Tell her it's not healthy and suggest counseling for her. Be nice, express concern, and she will probably be completely humiliated. If that doesn't stop it, print them out and give them to her current BF.
THatgirl, YOu and I would be
YOu and I would be completely humiliated, we are normal, She would go into a rage and say I was harrassing her and try for another restraining order. And BF would not appreciate it much if I were to contact her. She does all the me bashing thru him.......trying to convince him I am a whore and bla bla.
Seriously, I hope he is not
Seriously, I hope he is not entertaining her melodrama?? Is he just ignoring her?
This BM is a loon! She is saying he hurt the girls by having you there.. in the driveway?? You didn't even go in the house, you had to sit in the driveway like a dog not allowed in the store. I'm sorry, but how about maybe YOUR feelings were hurt because these people are so petty and act like ignorant third graders.
This is above and beyond the BM drama I have to deal with and I thought I had it bad. I am sorry that ANYBODY should have to deal with this crap.
I would send one text and one only... telling her to stop. Then if she didn't I would print out records and march my happy ass to the police dept and file charges of aggravated harassment. (But that's just the kind of mood I'm in today.) }:)
I must be in the same mood
I must be in the same mood cuz thats EXACTLY what I told him to do.
and yeah, we/he ignores ignores ignores. And HIs one text back to her to tell her to leave him alone she replied that she would leave him alone when he gave her complete and sole custody of the kids. Isnt that blackmail? Isnt that hanging herself?
I am just as frustrated with him as I am her....... Ok well not as much but geez. Block her number, take your happy a$$ with your notebook to the prosecuter and press harrassment charges.
I seriously do not think she will EVER stop. Its been a year and a half. I personally think she needs a straight jacket, and I am not making a joke there.
Yeah, he always shares them
Yeah, he always shares them all with me, He keeps a notebook and writes them all down. I cant/wont text her. She tried to get a no contact order on me a while back and it was dismissed. We really dont answer her text and I have never initiated contact with her. She just wants me away from her kids and him so she can get him back. She is in therapy! has been for over a year. But when they start telling her to move on and get over it, she changes therapist.
He keeps saying she "will hang herself" with a text soon. I dont really know what he wants from her. She has already admitted in a text yesterday that she gave the divorce decree to the oldest sd 15 to read :jawdrop: I think a judge would say uh HELL NO.........
He might want to get the
He might want to get the phone company to print them out showing her name/number and his so that a judge can't say he made them up. Just worried that if a judge/lawyer sees a handwritten log they will argue that words could have been changed to suit him. Just lookin' after ya!
This BM is crazy...and like mine. Big hugs and a HUGE glass of wine.
So I like that--I want you
So I like that--I want you back on one hand, then the other, give me the kids and go away. She obviously can't handle the fact that he moved on although she has a BF! So typical, like 90% of the BMs on here....
I'd keep a log. If it keeps up, BF might have to do something about it. That's insane. And so is she.
sorry dup post
sorry dup post
Ignore, ignore, ignore! Don't
Ignore, ignore, ignore! Don't reply to any texts from crazy! Someone on here once gave me verbage that was a good reply like.."sorry, the AT&T customer you are trying to reach is not a subscriber to text messaging service."
Did you use that reply? and
Did you use that reply? and how did it work? Was it believable?
I haven't used the reply, but
I haven't used the reply, but I am entertaining it because we get text messages from BM starting at 6:30am and it's relentless...yep that's AM and continues until 11pm or later. Daily! Everyday now for the past 2 months!!! So, yes I am thinking about it...but I think I may just call AT&T and have them block her number for texts. Not sure if it can happen.
Maybe I will try it tomorrow I will keep you posted.
I got motivated and I went to
I got motivated and I went to the AT&T website...here is what I found..
The message that voice and text message callers will receive is this...
"The AT&T subscriber you are trying to reach is not available at this time."
The message voice or text will be blocked from the number you program to block, however, if they block their number the call will get through.
Good luck. I am purchasing smart limits from AT&T to be done with BM texting at 630am.
Good no one should be allowed
Good no one should be allowed that much control.
I got motivated too and
I got motivated too
and you can block a number for voice but not for text }:) soooo nanner nanner BM
THanks Zen
The more crazy shit I read
The more crazy shit I read about the stuff we are all going through makes me just lay my head on my desk and wonder....what the f*&k has the world come to? Has everyone gone crazy?
I am sorry onebright1...I wish I could say that it will get better, but, today...I can't say it with honesty. Good Luck
Hubby and I often have this
Hubby and I often have this conversation.. one day we were like so are WE the crazy ones??? How is that everbody ELSE can be so loony... it must be us!!!
Seriously, though, the scales have tipped and there are definately far more crazy, loony, psychotic people in the world than there are "normal" people.
Yea,she has us questioning
Yea,she has us questioning whether we are the wacjobs or if its really her sometimes.
Your BF needs to make it
Your BF needs to make it clear to her in no uncertain terms that this is unacceptable. She needs to know that there is not one shred of hope that he is going to go back to her. He needs to tell her, in writing, that she must stop texting him unless it's something about kids that can't wait and then he needs to enforce that.
I agree, I told him that
I agree, I told him that yesterday. I told him she thinks no reply is a positive sign.
He doesnt agree, he says he is sticking with ignoring her.
I think he's wrong and
I think he's wrong and apparently so do you.
Even him telling her outright probably won't get through to her but no doubt she takes his silence as encouragement to continue.
Yep I do, and No probably
Yep I do,
No probably not, but it needs to be said,
Yep I am sure she does.
If he tells her outright (in
If he tells her outright (in writing) just once and tells her that anything further will be considered harrassment, he will have that as well as all of her responses documented for court.
Score one for you guys. Then he can continue to ignore her as much as he pleases.
Why not just block her
Why not just block her number? If she needs to get in touch regarding the kids, she has to call the house phone. No more texts! If ignoring it for this long hasn't stopped it, he's going to have to take another approach with her.
I agree and suggested this
I agree and suggested this very approach
It sounds like your BM is
It sounds like your BM is actually human. Ignoring her text gets us/him 30 more. In the past when he has replied one text to her 30, It gets him 100 more! Not exagerating here.
Thats why I say that he should just block her. But he wont. And he definitley wouldnt let me reply, even as him.
WHat I may do though is copy and past this blog and print it out for him to read and maybe , just maybe, he will choose something from it to end this incesstant hounding....
I would be ticked! however i
I would be ticked! however i would not personally respond. I would however expect BF to handle it appropriately! I would expect my BF to tell BM that he don't appreciate her calls and neither do I and the next step is to contact police for harassment if she does not stop.
Perhaps he enjoys the
Perhaps he enjoys the attention?
I have thought of that......
I have thought of that...... But he does get soooo frickin angry at her text. He swears it is becuz he needs more "ammo" from her so he can use it against her to gain custody....
I dunno
guess I will see....
Then the best 'ammo' he could
Then the best 'ammo' he could get would be to tell her clearly and concisely - in writing - that he has no intentions of ever getting back together with her and that any further communication from him that is not specifically dealing solely with URGENT issues having to do with the kids will be considered harassment.
Then if she continues it is harassment. That's the best ammo he could get.
If he isn't willing to do this then you need to think very seriously about whether or not he is intentionally leading her on.
If he knows she feels that way about him and is clinging to the hope that he still wants her then he has a responsibility to make it clear to her that she is mistaken. Anything short of him telling her outright IS leading her on.
I agree PA and am copying and
I agree PA and am copying and pasting your words and am stealing them just so ya know
No problem. I hope it works
No problem. I hope it works out for you.
WTH is it with crazy BM's and
WTH is it with crazy BM's and back to back texting or phoning? It seems like almost all of them (including mine), do it. Drives me insane!!! But then, I guess almost all the disorders have "the sense of entitlement" included. Seriously makes me wonder how under diagnosed NPD, Bipolar, Borderline, etc. must be. ~And if the percentages really are correct, does that mean every single one of them are on here??? :jawdrop: