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i think i just got put in my place

onebright1's picture

Sorry for the typos and bad punctuation. I am on my phone because at 1030 I am in my jammies. Bd is asleep in her bed and all 5 sgirls come bounding in the front door yelling about DVDs and whatever else. See SO is at work. Doesn't get off til 11 which means home at midnite. Sgirls are at mils like usual (see other post cps n crap) I guess So Thot I was trapped and he sent sgirls home with osd17. What the hell part of I'm not watching your kids is so f Ing hard to get???? So I call SO and am like wtf? He says osd needs to get to sleep and wanted to come on home. I said fine I will be there (at his restaurant) shortly and we will trade places. He owns it. Apparently it is the stepkids house just like they and NutburgerBM claim. Cause I just got ran off so they could come home when they ALWAYS stay at mils on fri nites. I am not even angry. Just defeated.