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DElusional BM

onebright1's picture

So, for the holidays I was gonna be nice and not bash BM and just suck it up and be cool.
Which , thank you very much, I did.

But I seriously think this woman needs help, or a straight jacket.
Holidays over, so she is fair game again!

For the past 3 days the text have been about how myBF put spyware on one of his daughters phones, which she ended up giving to her BF and getting the sd12 a new phone about a month ago.

She says now that MyBF put spyware on the phone and "he is getting punished by the law" for this.

He didnt.

Now, mind you, its not one text in 3 days she uses to hound and harrass him about the spyware, its 30 text a day allllllll day,,,,,

He also got CS papers filed on him last week, They have 50/50 custody and she makes more $ than him.

I am hoping that one bites her in the @$$ !!!!

She is also slipping text in between about how she and the skids are going to be homeless in 2 weeks ( yet myBF knows from his sisters facebook) that BM's BF indeed lives with her and is moving with her., Yet BM still goes on and on how she is alllll alone and has to be a single mom and pay for everything alllll on her own with no help and NO ONE lives with her!!!!

WTH? why is she lying about everything????? What could she possibly gain from all this insane, erratic, lunaticial, behavior????? (ok, I dunno if lunaticial is a word, but it works there)

arrrrgh I soooooo need all cell phones to lose signal for like 48 hours , thats all I need is a 48 hour break, to revive.........

Oh and of course there are still the 8 - 10 text a day saying what a whore I am and how I am using him and her daughters will never like me until she tells them too and yak yak yak......


LizzieA's picture

Print them ALL and put them in the packet for court! She is giving you ammo, esp the obvious PAS and lying about her living situation!!

DaizyDuke's picture

I've read some of your posts and your BM is serious straight jacket material! I feel so sorry for you!

DH,BS1 and I are going on vacation in January to visit friends out of state and where they live our cells don't have service and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! No texts, calls etc. from BM or SS... just peace and wonderful quiet, I can pretend they don't exist for a week! Of course I about cry when we leave because it's back to reality but I am so looking forward to my week of freedom!!

Francesca's picture

Well, if it makes you feel any better I have a similar BM. The lying, texting etc. Why? They're nuts.

purpledaisies's picture

I agree turn it off. All the mess she leaves save them for court! She is hanging herself with as many times as she calls and the content. That is the good part. }:)

onebright1's picture

True, all of you are right, but like I tell my BF, It does no good to document if you dont file SOMETHING!

I figure she is gonna have to drive her car with the kids in it, into a lake before he actually does something........

Sorry, am being mean to him, I know he cant control her , but geez, pms-ing and wacjob BMs arent mixing too well at the moment...