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Nymh's picture

I can't help but think that it's temporary, but at least for now BM is controlling herself and acting like an adult. BF and I are ever so thankful! If things could just always be like this! Of course I'm sure that it's just because the court stuff is coming up on the 26th. But there's a teeny tiny chance that it might be sincere...I'm not getting my hopes up though.


Frog44's picture

Enjoy the peace - we can all hope that she's changing! Smile

Colorado Girl's picture

You've been through HELL...BM in your case still is the worst in my book. For whatever reason, you deserve PEACE!!! I'll be keeping my fingers crossed too. Let's hope she is whipped into shape by the judge!

"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass...It's about learning to dance in the rain."