Love/Hate Relationship with Bio-Mom
Ok, so most of the time this woman is hell-bent on my destruction. Most of you probably have read my "Did I mention she's psycho?" post (if not I suggest you do to get a little background). It's hard to explain it, but every now and then she'll kind of switch modes temporarily and treat me as if I wasn't the woman dating her ex, but rather a friend that she can confide in and let her feelings out to.
I think it's because she's so lonely and desperate for someone to listen to her or support her that she'll accept it from everyone, even the person that she hates the most. She has no friends and is completely antisocial. It's really surreal when she does it because I'm thinking to myself, "yesterday this woman was cussing me out and now she's acting like we're old friends at a sleepover...".
She feels the need to reinforce her independence by telling someone how much she doesn't need him and has everything worked out without depending on him. Also, she always claims that he calls her all the time and tells her that he's still in love with her and wants to be with her even though he divorced her, and that she shoots him down every time. I feel so sorry for her because she has to make up these stories in which she has all the power and control in order to feel better about herself.
Do any of you other ladies have to deal with anything like this? I feel like I'm doing the wrong thing by listening to her when she gets like that because I know I'm not really supposed to be talking to her at all, especially considering that the next day she'll probably just turn around and be psycho #*&$@ again. I just think it's so pitiful and sad that she has no friends and really is dying for someone to talk to and give her support, so much so that she'll seek it from me of all people.
- Nymh's blog
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personally I think
You do sound like a very nice and sweet person.. But I think that even being nice and sweet has limits.. I would be very blunt with this woman. It obvious why she is not married anymore or has no friends..
I say tell her your limits and then be done..
Not so subtle
I don't think she's being subtle at all. She wants you close to play with your head. She is telling you that your man is calling her all the time and wants her back !?!? She's dangerous! Because one day she will hit a nerve that will have just enough truth to make you start to doubt yourself and/or your man. Have you ever heard the old adage "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer"? That's what she's doing. She's definitely certifiably psycho so do not let your guard down! And be careful!
Stay Away...
Your loyalities are to your husband, and to your Skids. Be as polite and courteous as possible as far as doing what you have to do for the kids, as nothing more. Don't get involved in her games.
I would stay the hell away
I would stay the hell away from her too. She's going to cling to you like you guys are best friends or something...dig into your lives and it's just not appropriate. She's the past and not the future in your lives. Don't fall into her actions....
-happy mom