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It's a girl! :)

Nymh's picture

Just wanted to post a quick preggo update. It's a girl! Yay! I'm so excited Smile I can't wait to meet my little girl.

We haven't decided on a name yet. We didn't really start talking about names until we found out that she was a girl.

I'm 19 weeks now, almost halfway there!


Chel Bell's picture

That is such wonderful news...a girl, oh they are so much fun. And there are so many nice names....if my son was a girl, I was going to name "her" Lorelei....I love that name still.!~ " I started out clean, now, I'm jaded"~ Rob Thomas, Matchbox 20

Sasha's picture

I'm gonna cry...I've always wanted a little girl. I would have named her MaryBeth. Congratulations Nymh!

_Jess_'s picture

That's so exciting. I'm having a girl too. Biggrin
I'm 28 goes by really fast!

frustratedinMA's picture

Jess.. you still havent had that baby yet???

lol.. just kidding.. seems like it was years ago that you were posting the pregnancy.

Have you picked out any names yet?

As other posters have done.. if I have a girl, Katherine Grace.. Katie for short!!!

I liked Lillian, Lily for short, but w/my last name.. it would sound like a stripper's name.. or that of a porn star!!

_Jess_'s picture

I'm not due til Aug 14!

"Kathryn Grace" was on my list for a long time!!! Kathryn for my mom, and Grace for my DH's mom. We would've called her "Kate"

But we ended up scrapping that name, and going with "Sophia Hope," .... "Sophie" for short. Smile

I can't wait til she gets here already! Less than three months to go now....

Lily is really pretty too, but I think Katie is perfect!

Elizabeth's picture

But my brother had four girls and named them all starting with L, so I thought that was a bit too much. I also like Vivian. It was my grandmother's name and a bit old-fashioned, but I like it. It makes me think of Vivian Leigh. My husband vetoed it, unfortunately.

Stepmom_C's picture

So thrilled for you and your little girl Wink

evilsm's picture

My BD was so sweet when she was born. Perfect skin and long fingers that you could just eat up. Congrats Nymh!


If you want children to keep their feet on the ground, put some responsibility on their shoulders. ~Abigail Van Buren

bellacita's picture

a little baby girl...youre so lucky and so blessed!

Caitlin's picture

We have all girls in this family and they're just the sweetest little things. Good luck picking a name!