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Need advice - and to vent.

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

DH has SD7 for 6 weeks during the summer, which is split into 3 2-week periods. Normal visitation schedules in our state give the non-custodial parent the first two weeks of the summer and then the custodial parent gets two weeks, etc. until the 6 weeks visitation has been completed. However, BM took DH to court demanding that she gets the first 2 weeks because that was the only time she could schedule SD7 in swimming lessons. The judge concurred and although it takes DH's last 2 weeks of visitation into the first week of the school year, it really works out for us.

So DH gets a text from BM this morning, asking him to take SD7 to the swimming lessons she has scheduled during his visitation. What? I thought the swimming lessons were the first two weeks of summer. Now it's not? How convenient. He kindly replies with "no, we will not be able to do that." First of all, we both work. DH works outside of the home and although I work from home 90% of the time, I am still working. I can't just pick up and leave in the middle of the day and the swimming lessons are scheduled for mid-morning. So BM starts giving him all this grief about how "he needs to put SD7's needs first." And "Can't Grandma take her to the lessons?" DH has told her time and time again to not schedule any events on his time. We are not "tit for tat" people usually, but there have been several times we have asked BM to allow SD7 to come to family birthday parties, weddings and other events during BM's time and she has never allowed it. We have accepted that the only time DH will see SD7 is according to the Court Order.

I think it is extremely unfair for BM to continue to do this, especially after she dragged us to court and demanded the first two weeks of summer in order to avoid this exact situation.

So, tell me how you guys deal with this situation. I know we are going to get hate mail from her attorney after this and she will probably drag herself onto the porch without SD7 when DH picks up to try to beat him into submission. We need some advice on how to deal with this unreasonable request. And before any of you say that the request is not unreasonable, remember that DH only gets minimal time with SD7 and absolutely no additional time outside of the court order. So any infringement on that time is unreasonable.


notmyfirstrodeo's picture

Not really in the mood for another court trip, but if it continues we might not have a choice.

smdh's picture

It is totally unreasonable and his WRITTEN response should include the fact that they went to court and he was ordered to switch weeks with her for these "supposed" swim lessons and he does not appreciate the bait and switch and will not be interrupting his time with Sd for swim lessons that were supposed to be scheduled on her time.

imthewife's picture

I agree with the above.

First off...what idiot judge disrupts a court order for a friggin' swim lesson? They can be taken anytime...really.

And now she has changed that? N-O. A court order is a court order and she has to follow it.

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

We live in a very conservative part of the country with a very conservative set of Judges. You'd be surprised what kind of decisions this idiot judge has made.

notmyfirstrodeo's picture

This crazy woman has threatened to file a restraining order against me for sending her a letter telling her that she needs to stop lying to her attorney. I'd love to just look her in the eye and let her have it.

simifan's picture

You told her no. DH just needs to say no again. Kind of like dealing with a small child, i already answered this - the answer is NO.