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Sometimes Skids crack me up

Ninji's picture

Spent all weekend studying with SS for a Social Studies test he failed on Friday (details )

I got an email from the teacher saying he got a 93% on the test. I am so stinking happy!!

I bought him some Pokemon cards for Christmas (He's in love with Pokemon). Well, he was bad in school last week and rude to his dad, so I took them out from under the tree and told him that if his behavior in school this week was good he would get them for Christmas. If not, I was donating them to toys for tots.

SO just talked to him and SS had a great behavior day at school. SO told him that I might be putting the mystery gift back under the tree. SS said, I know what it is and I can't wait to file it under "Opened" Kid is too funny.

Keeping my fingers crossed for the rest of the week. Only 4 days left and its mostly party time at the school.


Ineedadoover's picture

LOL threatening Christmas presents gets them in line really quickly doesn't it? We are using that tactic so heavily this year. I remind the kids every morning to make it a great day. Compare it to work. I tell them, I can't go to work and mess around and get nothing done and expect to get a pay check to buy them nice things. Accordingly, they cannot go to school and mess around and get nothing done and expect to get "paid" (things bought with our hard-earned money). School is their job right now. Make 'em work for it. You have the right idea!