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Small Rant

newtothis03's picture

My husband and his baby mama went to court back in April. Our attorney sent her and her attorney a calender showing what holiday days my husband would get SD. Now for some reason she has a really hard time understanding. I try not to get annoyed because I know it takes time to get use to a visitation schedule and the wording can be confusing. Since I work for an attorney, it was easier for me to explain it to my husband. But I've had to explain it to her as well. I've given her several calenders and I think she either just puts them in the trash or stuffs them in a drawer. So she calls last night wanting me to explain how Christmas works. Grrrr...I'm trying to spend time with my sweetie and I have to get out a calender and show him as he explains to her. Its retarded. Visitation days and holiday days confuse my husband as well. The judge are having them go by a standard visitation chart which I feel is the easiest way to do it. Well with BM wanted to know who got SD on New Years Eve, she got mad because it falls on her holiday. I told DH that I didn't see any prob with us keeping her if BM wanted to go out or whatever but she needed to understand it was an extra day she was giving and she couldn't take away his visitation the next week. She got mad because DH and I were taking SD to Winter Wonderland. A church sets up Christmas activities for different age groups with hot cocoa, Christmas music, snacks, and lets the kids just enjoy themselves. We thought it would be a good tradition to start. Ever since our wedding at the beginning of this month she has been the BM from hell i swear. She got mad because we didn't come back from our honeymoon 2 days early to pick up SD. This is after DH had already made arrangements with BM and he kept SD 2 extra days the week before. She had the nerve to text him and bitch him out for not picking her up. He told her that she knew we were going out of town and we wouldn't be back.


SMof2Girls's picture

I would advise her to hire a lawyer to explain her custody agreement to her.

There is no reason you should be that involved in it.

Stick to the agreement .. we went through similar things with our BM. It got so ridiculous that BM was demanding to be allowed to make up days that were DH's scheduled visitation to begin with!

To this day, she thinks following the court order and "letting" DH spend time with the kids is doing him some sort of favor.