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Just a vent

Newstep's picture

Been with my BF for over a year and in the beginning he still catered to BM he slowly saw the light and has changed. So I don't have too much to complain about and the BM is pretty worthless as a mother but she leaves us alone for the most part.

They had to go to court to finish up some things with the divorce originally some paperwork wasnt filled out right so it dragged out. The judge told them exactly what to do set up an appt with legal aid and sent them on their way. She called me to tell me that they had the appt with legal aid together and if I was uncomfortable I was more than welcome to come along :jawdrop: Like I care I politely told her that was her deal with my BF to work out and I was not a part of it. I didn't see what the big deal was since they had been going to court over child support and stuff and I never went because I didn't care to go. My opinion is that BF is an adult and he can handle this crap on his own.

So the appt is for this Friday and when he picked up SD she told asked what time they were leaving for the appt. He said what?? She said what time are you picking me up? He said I am not picking you up you get yourself to the appt and I will do the same. So she pitches a fit "Well I can't make it because I don't have gas money" WTF??? She is one crazy lady she actually thought BF was going to pick her sorry butt up and take her. These BM's are so entitled it just blows my mind!!!!


DaizyDuke's picture

You got it! Their "problems" lack of money, gas, job, etc are everyone elses problem, simply because they birthed a child. Gag me!

Sonomama30's picture

OMG,, i remember this one time early in me and FH's relationship. it was like only only weekend bm took ss for a sleepover. so saturday am his phone rings,, "yeah,, ohh, you think its pink eye? is it crusty? did you call the doc? i can give you the #, just take him to the doc, the office is in the hospital, let me call you back"........... she wants me to go and pick up her and ss to take them to the doc,,,, " does she have a car? ..........yes.......... she said she dosent know where the doc is?? "ok, well since pink eye is not an emergency the same computer that she post her beer pong pictures on she can google directions and find it herself." he called her and told her that.. stupid bitch