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Help appreciated Health Ins ???

Newstep's picture

I received an EOB from our local hospital. IT was for BM stating that it was declined because she was not covered. BF took her off the insurance three years ago and last year the company switched to a new provider. BM doesn't have any insurance cards for the new insurance provider. Even though SD is covered under it BM doesn't have the card. She has never even asked for one. We figured because she was going to stop taking SD to the doctor once she found out she had to pay the co-pays.

So now we have this 3,000.00 worth of ER charges for BM listing BF as the responsible party, since she was not covered. What we can't figure out was how they would run it through his insurance when she didn't have the information. I mean she could have put BF down as the responsible party and then maybe they check to see if he carries insurance :? We are completely stumped here. Of course the easy thing to do would be to ask the BM. But she is ignoring calls and texts. Worthless waste of space!!! I hope that BF is not going to be on the hook for this bill. BM had free healthcare for low income people in CA. Any ideas on how they could have gotten his info? I don't think that BM could get it by calling the provider but maybe she can?? I don't know but it is stressing me out!!! :O I called the broker who handles the insurance and he is out of the office Sad


purpledaisies's picture

Call the hospital and just tell them that he is NOT the responsible party simple as that. The same thing happened to us and all we had to do was call the hospital and let them know. Pretty much what she did was put his name on the paper saying he is responsible HOWEVER if he calls and says nope not the one then they HAVE to by law put in bm's name and sent it to her!

in our case bm got the bill and was very piussed that we wouldn't pay for HER er visit but there was NOTHING she could do about it! }:)

He should not say a word to bm at all just call the hospital and inform them that he is not responsible at all. They can not make him pay for it as he did not sign the release to be treated paper she did.

wonderland0819's picture

If he is getting problems from the hospital, i would let them know, that you know this person, however, he is not responsible for her medical bills, as she is not a dependent. If somehow they manage to stick you with it, I would try to have the insurance company charge her with insurance fraud. If they won't for whatever reason... I see a civil suit.

Newstep's picture

Relief!! Thanks everyone for all the information. My first instinct was to call the hospital but I didn't want to get the run around. Because ultimately they just want the money for the bill. Thinking back SD said that BM was sick and had to go to the Dr. and then yesterday she said her mom was at the doctor again. BM is the type to make it all drama and run to the ER for minor things. I told BF about all this and he is calling the hospital now. The broker called me back on his cell phone. He was traveling but got my email and voicemail. He said the same as you all. She is not covered and BF is not the responsible party so he is not liable. Now if it was for SD then he probaly would be on the hook, but definately not for BM!! Woo-hoo relief, I was stressing about money because we just had to buy a new washer. Our 1 year old washer died on us and the warranty was up. We didn't get the extended warranty (dumb on our part). So it was going to cost 500.00 to fix so we got a new one. The though of owing 3000.00 for stupid BM was making me ill!!!

Auteur's picture

The Behemoth did similar crap. Most of the psycho BMs will try and get away with ANYTHING. The Behemoth forged GG's (biodad) signature on tax papers as well. I can't tell you HOW many times she tried to stay on GG's policy long after the divorce as well as put down that GG was responsible for every sniffle that the skids got.

"BM is the type to make it all drama and run to the ER for minor things"

Aren't they ALL???!

I had to pay the Behemoth's share of an MRI bill that she took Brainiac in for (can you say hypochondria and Munchausens by Proxy?) She simply wouldn't pay.

Make sure you GET IT IN WRITING that BF is not responsible and make boatloads of copies.