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newmommy12's Blog

Too much to expect.....

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Such a wonderful Mother's Day. Mommy and me swim in the morning, a great nap in the afternoon and on stellar behavior all day! It's like my 9 month old knew she had to be on top of her game for this special day of the year. One thing was missing. My stepdaugther's, who have always acknowledged Mother's Day with cards and breakfast or at the very least, a phone call...did NOTHING.

DYFS...just sayin...

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My 8 year old stepdaugther gets these wicked stomach aches all the time....and has been to the ER three of those times...each time was told she is dehydrated and needs to drink more water. 1 million dollars later in ER visits and she is back again!(not really, but you know what I mean)
Get a hint MOM.....drinking 5 glass of WHOLE MILK a day and no water or juice combined with mac and cheese, cookies and chips and waffles as your diet is bound to screw up your stomach!!!
UUUGGGGGG....I'm not mother of the year, but come on!

A New Normal

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Do you ever wonder how you got to the place you are at? What events led up to this moment in time? What choices paved the path that you are travelling on now? I have been contemplating these engima's more and more.....and more lately.